Sustainable Sanitation Practice Journal: Issue 20 (July 2014) on capacity development


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Sustainable Sanitation Practice Journal: Issue 20 (July 2014) on capacity development

I am happy to announce that Issue 20 of Sustainable Sanitation Practice (ISSN 2308-5797) on "Capacity Development" is published and can be downloaded free of charge now from

best regards,
Guenter Langergraber
Editor SSP journal

Note by moderator:


We are very honoured that in Issue 20 of SSP on “Capacity Development” we can present a contribution of the 2013 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate, Dr. Peter Morgan (see Peter Morgan is one of the pioneers of ecological sanitation and is known for developing low-cost practical solutions to provide access to safe sanitation and clean water that are being used by millions of people worldwide. Together with his co-worker Annie Kanyemba, Peter describes their activities related to sanitation training for pupils in schools in Zimbabwe.

Further contributions for Issue 20 of Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP) comprise:
Antje Sandmann et al. present a study investigating if trainings really have the effect on trainees which is aimed to be achieved;

• Madeleine Fogde and Elisabeth Kvarnström summarise the capacity development activities in the EcoSanRes 2 project;

• Sarah Achermann et al. present the Integrity Management Toolbox which is used in their business developing trainings; and

• Rochelle Holm et al. report on a project in Malawi focussing on investigating the key conditions for private sector participation in the provision of rural household sanitation facilities.

The thematic topic of the next issue (Issue 21, October 2014) is „Sludge treatment“. If you are interested to submit a
contribution please inform the SSP editorial office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Contributions are due to 1st September 2014, the
guide for authors is available from the journal homepage ( Please feel free to suggest further topics
for issues of the journal to the SSP editorial office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Also, we would like to invite you to contact the
editorial office if you volunteer to act as a reviewer.
Dr Guenter Langergraber
Senior Scientist
Institute of Sanitary Engineering
BOKU University
Vienna, Austria

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