Information on Technology Applicability Framework (TAF) by WASHTech - a neutral approach for investigation of WASH technological innovation


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Re: Information on Technology Applicability Framework (TAF) by WASHTech - a neutral approach for investigation of WASH technological innovation

A few weeks ago Elisabeth asked me to comment on this TAF/TIP after reading a short overview article I wrote on it for our members ( find the article here as part of our UWASNET "WatSan Eye" Dec. 2013 newsletter ).

Having had only a little exposure to it through workshops held at the GoU's Appropriate Technology Centre (and discussions with Skat's Sean Furey) my personal opinion is that the TAF tool by itself is mainly a nice way to systematically document new and old technologies in a standardized way. This is very important in a setting like Uganda, where institutional memory is severely lacking and new foreign organizations with new (or old) technologies are permanently arriving to test them.

Otherwise it doesn't bring much new to the table, but it is definitely a nice tool to guide such technology assessments by less skilled staff or to train staff in comprehensive and participatory technology assessment.

The TIP (technology introduction process)/GTI document on the other hand seems to be a largely academic exercise that neatly outlines the theory, but I have doubts that it will be even read by many of the government technocrats it seems to target.
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Re: WASHTech video and TAF (Technology Applicability Framework) now online

Fabiola - the experience of using the TAF in Nicaragua is now online:

Hope this is useful but do get back to us with any questions.
Alison Parker
Apply to study our MSc in Community Water and Sanitation:

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Re: Information on Technology Applicability Framework (TAF) by WASHTech - a neutral approach for investigation of WASH technological innovation

Thank you for the feedback from the webinar!

For those who were not able to attend, or would like to watch some parts again, we have now made the recording of the WASHtech webinar available on Youtube through the SuSanA video channel :

(Posted by Roslyn)
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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Re: TAF Webinar 12th March 2014: responses to questions

Here are our answers to the questions raised in our recent webinar:

Jeremy Kolitz: I see how the TAF can be a good decision-making tool for considering sustainability on the community-level after listening to the case studies from the presenters. But I guess it's a bit less clear to me how it can be used effectively for determining scalability/reproducibility outside the pilot communities. Do separate consultations need to be held at a higher level to see how things like policy would need to be developed further to facilitate scaling up?

Within each country the TAF is anchored in an institution which serves as the host and sees to the application of the TAF. This Host Institution should be one that has oversight responsibility of WASH services delivery or technology development and certification. These institutions tend to have policy making responsibility or make technical input into policy making process. The Host Institution should own the TAF application process even if it is being applied in small district or area.

The presentation of results during the TAF application also includes documentation of all key findings (so behind the traffic light colours are these key findings) that need to be taken up after a decision on the technology.

The interpretation of results also includes a decision on what possible steps need to be taken to remove blockages to sustainability and scalability. These decisions are then described and defined for the necessary actions by the relevant stakeholders within a timeframe in a guide for Technology Introduction Process – TIP (a sister tool to the TAF). Some of the possible actions could be in the area of policy review/formulation, capacity development, supply chain development, social marketing, etc.

By Benedict Tuffuor, TREND

Jeremy Kohlitz: It seems like there is a fair amount of subjectivity in selecting a +, 0 or - for each aspect. Does the manual provide guidance for this?

The TAF methodology tries to address the issue of subjectivity through different approaches:
1) Data used for the scoring are collected from desk work and from the field. In the field visit which happens before the scoring workshop all relevant actors should participate.
2) The data used for the scoring will be verified and presented prior to the scoring workshop to all participants to make sure that the inputs are correctly captured.
3) The TAF application needs some upfront preparation and a strong facilitator. Aspects such as vested interests and potential conflict which might come up during the scoring workshop should be identified or anticipated during the preparation of the workshop. For the scoring different options exist to handle strong opinions or to allow particular groups to express themselves e.g. by splitting up in subgroup as done in Nicaragua. Recommendations on how to deal with subjectivity and strong speakers are also provided in the TAF Manual. The Manual also provides some hints on how to structure the field work incl. the workshop.

By André Olschewski, Skat

Elisabeth von Muench: Are there any plans to make a web-based tool out of this (with the assessments etc.) or is it not worth it because the main benefit is the real discussions with the stakeholders in one room?

Within the three rounds of TAF testing the issue of developing an IT based tool was discussed several times. Finally it was agreed not to develop an IT based tool exactly as there was the strong concern that by this the real discussion and exchange would be stopped. The exchange and sharing together with the visualisation of the result were perceived as key benefits of the TAF. However what has been discussed and is on the radar of the WASHTech partners is to develop a “TAF light” which will allow a rough but quick screening on the applicability of a technology. This tool might be an IT-/web-based solution.

By André Olschewski, Skat

Elisabeth von Muench: what is the "popular" Eco Toilet (IEP)?

In the case presented by Joshua Briemberg from Nicaragua it is a pour flush toilet which is flushed with one flush of about 1 liter of water. However there is no separation of urine.

By André Olschewski, Skat

André Olschewski
Water, Sanitation and Environmental Management Specialist

Skat Foundation
Vadianstrasse 42, CH-9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland

Skat_Swiss Resource Centre and Consultancies for Development

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Re: 12 March -16h00 : SuSanA–WASHtech webinar on Technology Applicability Framework (TAF)

Thank you to all who attended the Webinar this afternoon, it ran nice and smoothly and I hope all found it as interesting and insightful as I did.

A few questions came up at the end of the webinar, that we were unable to answer due to time running out, I have copied them in below and will ask each of the presenters to answer the questions directed at them respectively, here in the forum over the next few days.

Jeremy Kohlitz: It seems like there is a fair amount of subjectivity in selecting a +, 0 or - for each aspect. Does the manual provide guidance for this?

Elisabeth von Muench: Are there any plans to make a web-based tool out of this (with the assessments etc.) or is it not worth it because the main benefit is the real discussions with the stakeholders in one room?

Elisabeth von Muench: what is the "popular" Eco Toilet (IEP)?

I will let you know via this thread as soon as the recording of the webinar is available.

Kind regards
Trevor Surridge
Decentralized Wastewater Management for Adaptation to Climate Change in Jordan (ACC Project)
Project Manager

Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Shmeisani,

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Re: 12 March -16h00 : SuSanA–WASHtech webinar on Technology Applicability Framework (TAF)

Hi Alison,

Thanks for letting me know about the TAF webinar and its applications in Latin America. Surprisingly enough, we just got back from a work mission in Bluefields, Nicaragua, where hanging latrines in the bay area are -sadly, very common in the squatter settlements...
Unfortunatly I missed the webinar by a few hours- please advice on how Sarar can get updated on this!
Gracias, Fabiola
Posted by Sarar Transformacion, based in Tepoztlan, Mexico
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Re: 12 March -16h00 : SuSanA–WASHtech webinar on Technology Applicability Framework (TAF)

Thank you to the presenters and moderators today on the TAF webinar. One question I came up with toward the end:

I see how the TAF can be a good decision-making tool for considering sustainability on the community-level after listening to the case studies from the presenters. But I guess it's a bit less clear to me how it can be used effectively for determining scalability/reproducibilty outside the pilot communities. Do separate consultations need to be held at a higher level to see how things like policy would need to be developed further to facilitate scaling up?

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Re: SuSana Webinar on TAF; 12th of March 2014

Dear All,

as Elisabeth correctly indicated in 2013 there were webinars in which the two tools developed within the WASHTech project were presented in a general way.

This upcoming webinar is different from previous webinars as it focuses more on the Sanitation side and in particular on field experiences from actors using the TAF. In this webinar a TAF user will have inputs who was outside the WASHTech project and used the TAF without any external support. This webinar will offer the participants the opportunity to get independent feedback.

I hope you will enjoy this webinar.

Best regards


André Olschewski Water, Sanitation and Environmental Management Specialist

Skat Consulting Ltd. Vadianstrasse 42, CH-9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland

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Re: 12 March -16h00 : SuSanA–WASHtech webinar on Technology Applicability Framework (TAF)

Spoke to Sean and André today and here are some more answers

Will webcams of presenters and of participants be allowed in this webinar (I like the use of webcams in the Adobe Connect meetings; I think Webex also supports this; however most webinars don't encourage use of webcams for participants, only for presenters, due to bandwidth restrictions).

We will not be using webcams, due to bandwidth restrictions.

Who is the target audience for this webinar and how is it different to previous webinars about the TAF? E.g. I attended the webinar which was mentioned here in this thread: - would I benefit from participating again or would it mainly be a repeat?

The target audience is practitioners.
This webinar will focus on experiences from using TAF in the field.
Less theory more practice.

So yes, Elisabeth, you would benefit from attending again!

Trevor Surridge
Decentralized Wastewater Management for Adaptation to Climate Change in Jordan (ACC Project)
Project Manager

Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Shmeisani,

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Re: 12 March -16h00 : SuSanA–WASHtech webinar on Technology Applicability Framework (TAF)

Thank you Elisabeth for the questions. I can answer a couple of questions.

How come SuSanA is hosting this event, did it have any involvement in the WASHtech project, or is it mainly because Skat is a SuSanA partner?

Well the WASHtech project had a number of SuSanA partners involved and this is great to see SuSanA partners cooperating and collaborating with each other, while coordinating their efforts and then communicating it to the community. So this is really an example of the SuSanA spirit in action.

Will there be a recording of the webinar made available afterwards on the SuSanA Youtube channel?

There will be a recording of the webinar made available afterwards. Skat Foundation who is hosting the technical side of things has in the past used Vimeo to put up recordings of their webinar series for the RWSN. I will look into getting a copy up on the SuSanA youtube as well.

Will webcams of presenters and of participants be allowed in this webinar (I like the use of webcams in the Adobe Connect meetings; I think Webex also supports this; however most webinars don't encourage use of webcams for participants, only for presenters, due to bandwidth restrictions).
Who is the target audience for this webinar and how is it different to previous webinars about the TAF? E.g. I attended the webinar which was mentioned here in this thread: - would I benefit from participating again or would it mainly be a repeat?

I will get back to you on the last two questions, as I will need to double check with André and Sean at the Skat Foundation.

Trevor Surridge
Decentralized Wastewater Management for Adaptation to Climate Change in Jordan (ACC Project)
Project Manager

Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Shmeisani,

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Re: 12 March -16h00 : SuSanA–WASHtech webinar on Technology Applicability Framework (TAF)

Dear Trevor,

Thanks for inviting us all to this webinar on the TAF that was developed by the project WASHtech which has now come to an end.

I have a few small questions:
  • How come SuSanA is hosting this event, did it have any involvement in the WASHtech project, or is it mainly because Skat is a SuSanA partner?
  • Will there be a recording of the webinar made available afterwards on the SuSanA Youtube channel?
  • Will webcams of presenters and of participants be allowed in this webinar (I like the use of webcams in the Adobe Connect meetings; I think Webex also supports this; however most webinars don't encourage use of webcams for participants, only for presenters, due to bandwidth restrictions).
  • Who is the target audience for this webinar and how is it different to previous webinars about the TAF? E.g. I attended the webinar which was mentioned here in this thread: - would I benefit from participating again or would it mainly be a repeat?
Kind regards,
Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
Located in Ulm, Germany
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Re: 12 March -16h00 : SuSanA–WASHtech webinar on Technology Applicability Framework (TAF)

SuSanA secretariat and WASHtech invites you to participate in a webinar that will present and discuss the Technology Applicability Framework (TAF) developed during the WASHtech project:

When: 16h00 CET on 12th March 2014 (Time converter:

Webinar outline:
15h30-Webinar room open
16h00-Welcome by Trevor Surridge (SuSanA secretariat)
16h05-Introduction to TAF by André Olschewski (Skat Foundation)
16h15-Questions on André's presentation
16h20-Experiences using TAF in Ghana by Benedict Tuffuor (TREND)
16h30-Questions on Benedict's presentation
16h35-WaterAid’s experience adapting and applying the TAF to a pour-flush toilet option in the Nicaraguan Caribbean by Joshua Briemberg (WaterAid)
16h45-Questions on Joshua presentation leading into an open Q&A session
16h59-Closing and wrap-up from Trevor
17h00-End of Webinar
Webinar Chair: Trevor Surridge (SuSanA secretariat)
Moderation Support: Sean Furey (Skat Foundation)

To participate you need to register:
To register send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and clearly state “TAF webinar” in the subject and you will be sent an invitation link to the Webinar.

Technical requirements:
For the technical requirements for WebEx: If you have any questions about the webinar post them in reply to this post or email them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Look forward to your participation.


About TAF:

The Technology Applicability Framework (TAF) provides a neutral approach for investigation of WASH technological innovation through an objective examination of criteria in the key dimensions:
  • Technology performance
  • Market potential and scalability
  • Institutional support
  • Innovation and planning
  • Sustainability of service provision
  • Potential and process uptake of new technologies
The TAF comprises a screening assessment that does an initial assessment of the need for that technology in the context in which it is going to be applied and identify any show-stoppers. Those that pass this then undergo a more thorough assessment that uses 18 scoring sheets based on the six sustainability indicators above for three distinct perspectives: the user, the producer/implementer, and the regulator/investor.

Watch the introduction video:

Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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