Letter of Agreement for comments and suggestions (WASH Information Consortium)


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Re: Action points from 2nd Meeting 25.3.2013

Hi everybody,

It has been a while since we last talked. Part of the silence is due to my absence, I was on holiday until the end of last week.
Now I am completely renewed and with a lot of energy, so be prepared!

I am sending this post to all of you by e-mail because I don't know whether you managed to enter the Forum (let me/Trevor know if you still have problems). As this post comprises an update from action points it will also be posted in our Forum's page: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/127-wa...formation-consortium

First I will update you on developments since we last met (points completed 2,4,6,9 and 11)

The Consortium concept paper was shared within the consortium group and in the Forum
The Forum was created and a few replies have been posted (Gold medal for Dan's posts, Congrats!)
New articles have been posted in the "WASH information blog: (re blogged) Make data and information flow, Opening up library databases with linked data and Monitoring and evaluation of knowledge management and knowledge brokering
New picture added as header of the blog
The list of platforms has been updated by WASHPLUS, IRC (the rest still pending)
Verele shared a link of an interesting site in Latina America

However a few important points are still waiting:

point 1- UNC Water & health conference (North Carolina) October(Cor, Trevor,Dan)
point 3- Hans, Trevor Will look into a search engine for the Consortium
point 5- All Find something concrete and innovative to show, decide how we will present ourselves as a group and show what we have done as a group
point 7- All send urls of libraries and Logo to Caridad
point 10 - Cor Discuss SACOSAN with Rabin, ideas how Consortium could help SACOSAN
point 12- Dan Send report to the group on whether point 1 has been discussed by KM
point 13- Discussion on the Consortium's identity (forum.susana.org/forum/categories/128-identity)
point 16- Send or post in the WASH information blog list of each consortium organisation’s existing platforms (after this is complete point 15 can be done: Hans, Trevor Make the list of existing platforms into an innovative product from the group

See post in the Forum: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/129-actions-points
I know you will be the first after reading this post completing your taks!

Best regards

(sent by e-mail 24.5.2013)

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Re: How can we measure the impact of information


The K4HEALTH Project at Johns Hopkins University has a KM Toolkit and one section on the toolkit has resources for measuring the impact of KM. The link is:

Dan Campbell,
Communications/KM Specialist
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Re: Information Consortium’s identity

Hi All

In order to assist us with further refinement of the identity of the WASH Information Consortium, please refer to the attached concept note.

Your further thoughts and comments about how the consortium should identify itself and how it should present itself, are welcomed. Please reply to this post with them.

Kind regards
Trevor Surridge
Decentralized Wastewater Management for Adaptation to Climate Change in Jordan (ACC Project)
Project Manager

Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Shmeisani,

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  • tmsinnovation
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Re: How can we measure the impact of information

Dear Dorothee

Please have a look at the concept note which has now been attached to Caridad's post in the action items thread. As I am sure you can see the WASH information consortium group is still in the formation stage and the concept note frames the initial thoughts about what is trying to be achieved by the consortium, which is also still open to more interested organisation's who have large libraries and knowledge resource databases, depositories or collections.

Please consider participation.

More information and discussion to follow.

Trevor Surridge
Decentralized Wastewater Management for Adaptation to Climate Change in Jordan (ACC Project)
Project Manager

Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Shmeisani,
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Re: Action points from 2nd Meeting 25.3.2013

Some progress after my last post from:
4. Vera share concept paper of first meeting (see attached)

11. Trevor & Caridad Start discussion on the Susana forum (done)

14. Link provided by Verele: [img][url=http://ella.practicalaction.org/#/home/62]http://ella.practicalaction.org/#/home/62[/url] [/img]

16. ALL Send or post in the blog list of each consortium organisation’s existing platforms. Two organisations have posted their links to existing platforms WASH plus[img][url=http://ella.practicalaction.org/#/home/62]http://washinfo2015.wordpress.com/2013/03/27/plaforms-used-by-the-washplus-project/[/url][/img]and [img][url=http://washinfo2015.wordpress.com/2013/04/08/platforms-used-by-irc/]washinfo2015.wordpress.com/2013/04/08/platforms-used-by-irc/[/url][/img]
Please send or post the links to the platforms your organisation works with.

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Re: Action points from 2nd Meeting 25.3.2013

Here we can update on the progress of pending points (25th of March Consortium group's meeting). Here you can download the minutes[img][url=http://washinfo2015.wordpress.com/minutes/]http://washinfo2015.wordpress.com/minutes/[/url][/img].

1. Dan, Cor, Trevor Think about UNC Water & health conference (North Carolina) October

2. Trevor & Caridad Keep group informed in regard of the Susana forum (send guidance how to use the Forum

3. Hans, Trevor Will look into a search engine for the Consortium

4. Vera Share concept paper of first meeting DONE See link

5. All Find something concrete and innovative to show, decide how we will present ourselves as a group and show what we have done as a group

6. All Send to Caridad possible picture for the blog

7. All send urls of libraries and Logo to Caridad

8. Caridad Add all links to the blog

9. Caridad Put action points into the discussion board

10. Cor Discuss SACOSAN with Rabin, ideas how Consortium could help SACOSAN

11. Trevor & Caridad Start discussion on the Susana forum

12. Dan Send report to the group on whether point 1 has been discussed by KM

13. All Discuss and look at The Consortiums identity

14. Verele Share a link of site in Latina America & invite this organisation to join. DONE

15. Hans, Trevor Make the list of existing platforms into an innovative product from the group Before North Carolina conference

16. ALL Send or post in the blog list of each consortium organisation’s existing platforms (WASH plus and IRC are already in the blog)

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  • dorothee.spuhler
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Re: How can we measure the impact of information

Dear Caridad

These are interesting issues your raise. Could you shortly introduce yourself and the consortium your are talking about?
Thank you and kind regards

WG1 Co-lead
Developing methods and tools to support strategic planning for sustainable sanitation. Particular interested in novel technologies contributing to more inclusive and circular sanitation. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Re: How can we measure the impact of information

During the Consortium's 2nd meeting on 25th of March 2013 the idea of creating set of tools for measuring the impact of our information was suggested. Some first ideas:

Although we all have witnessed a steady growth in the provision of information services in the last years, a number of fundamental questions remain unanswered. The impact and appropriateness of the services offered. Building a tool that measures information impact could help defining this.

Could an inventory of the Consortium participant organisations’ strengths on this area to evaluate what we can offer as a group to a bigger audience be an idea.
After that we might consider making a proposal for funding the idea (project).

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Information Consortium’s identity

Dear all,
In the consortium group meeting on the 25th of March 2013 one of the subjects we decided needed some discussion was "The consortium's identity". Here are Caridad's first thoughts...

In a crowded marketplace of platforms, it is important that the consortium could establish a well-defined niche. The identity of the consortium should reflect this niche. Maybe we should also think of an overall image that could visualise our group in the minds of diverse public. Don't you think our identity could help the Consortium to answer questions like “who are we?” and “where are we going?”.

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