Looking for partner education Non-Profits in India


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Re: Looking for partner education Non-Profits in India

Hi All,

Please be informed that I had sent out this post in April, 2013 and this is January 2014.

I have been getting responses after about one year. Thus, for the time being, we not looking for any more partners right now, apart from partnerships for our online advocacy programs.


- Ananya

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Re: Looking for partner education Non-Profits in India

Hello Ananya

Greetings from Ecosan Services Foundation.

I saw this post only now and one of my colleague in seecon international. Ms Tandiwe forwarded me the link.

Ecosan Services Foundation (ESF) is a section 25 non-profit company established in 2006 with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and seecon international,in association with the Innovative Ecological Sanitation Network of India (IESNI). Ecosan Services foundation aims to transform into a sustainable key resource centre as a leading knowledge hub in sustainable sanitation and water managementWith a unique mix of knowledge and experience; we work closely with the public and private sectors. Since the conception of this company, we have gained extensive experience in capacity development, policy building, awareness raising, project implementation and consulting in the field of sustainable sanitation.

ESF is part of National School Sanitation Initiative initiated by MoHRD,GIZ and CBSE. We have worked as Knowledge partner right from the inception of the program. ESF is currently working with GIZ in 5 cities(Delhi,Shimla,Tirupati, Raipur and Vasai Virar.) We offer both software(training,capacity building,etc..for students,teachers, O7M staff etc) and Hardware(School sanitation refurbishment activities) under this program.

We will be happy to be part of Wash-In-Schools program. My email id is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Looking forward for your response

With best regards
Sreevidya Satish
Centre for Advanced Sanitation Solutions
Survey No. 205 | (Opp. Beedi Workers Colony) | Kommaghatta Road, Bandemath |Kengeri Sattelite Town | Bengaluru 560060

 +91-(0)80-28486700 |  +91-(0)80-28482144 |  +91-(09535454321)

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Re: Looking for partner education Non-Profits in India

Hi Prema,

I did give you a call, after you sent the previous mail, no?

Anyways, at this point of time, as we are still quite young in India, we do not have any plans for Odisha right now - unless the Government wants us to dive into that particular state.

Thus, I guess, people in Odisha have to wait till we get the green signal there.

Thanks for your mail. Wishing you a very Happy New Year ahead..


- Ananya

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  • sampark
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  • Reaching out in grassrouts.Premananda Biswal, Executive Director, SAMPARK TRUST, Bhubaneswar, Odisha would introduce myself, before you as a grass root level Rural & Health development associate for a period spanning over 26 years contributed in the field
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Re: Looking for partner education Non-Profits in India

Dear Ananya,
I have already replied you to partner on education. Again, here I am sending my account details for you kind information & n/a.
Waiting for a feedback.

Prema Nanda Biswal
Executive Director
( Social Action for Motivation of People for Awakening about Rights and Knowledge)
B-30, Baramunda, BDA Duplex
Odisha, INDIA
Mob-9437014422 & 9937585816
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Linkedin ID-Odisha Sampark Trust

Premananda Biswal.
Executive Director.
B-30, BDA Duplex
Odisha, INDIA
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Re: Looking for partner education Non-Profits in India

Hi Premananda,

Thanks for your mail. Will reply to that soon.


- Ananya

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  • sampark
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  • Reaching out in grassrouts.Premananda Biswal, Executive Director, SAMPARK TRUST, Bhubaneswar, Odisha would introduce myself, before you as a grass root level Rural & Health development associate for a period spanning over 26 years contributed in the field
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Re: Looking for partner education Non-Profits in India

Dear Ananya,
I have replied to you on my gmail & Contact details with Skype Id. Could you share your ideas to me ?

Premananda Biswal.
Executive Director.
B-30, BDA Duplex
Odisha, INDIA

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Re: Looking for partner education Non-Profits in India

Hi Mukul,

Great to see some lines come up under this section after some six months of the post!

As I can see that the work you are doing is quite 'hardware' heavy, that is, infrastructure related. We work more on software parts of the issue, such as behavior change. We use use games and other fun-filled activities to bring in this change, mainly in children.

Thanks for giving your mobile number. Will call you sometime this week.


- Ananya

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  • AnanyaGh
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Re: Looking for partner education Non-Profits in India

Hi Premananda,

Can you please provide some contact details of yours to start exploring collaborations? Or skype ID? Please write to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


- Ananya

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Re: Looking for partner education Non-Profits in India

Hi Ananya,

Greetings from FINISH India.

FINISH (Financial Inclusion Improves Sanitation and Health) Society has been established by some dedicated professionals to promote sanitation in the country, especially in rural areas. Its governing body consists of two retired IAS officers, one experienced insurance professional, some NGOs, a doctor and some young development professionals. FINISH Society is acting as the Indian arm of a project, by the same name, FINISH, launched in the country with substantial assistance from the Director General of International Services (DGIS) of the Government of the Netherlands. WASTE, an NGO of the Netherlands, is implementing this project in India with substantial support from leading Indian organizations including NABARD and National Housing Bank. FINISH project as well as the Society is in constant touch with the Ministry of Rural Development and various district development commissioners in eight states of the country.
The basic philosophy of FINISH is that a large number of rural households desire to have their own sanitation facility but they are not able to construct it for want of financial resources. It is therefore felt that if access to finance could be provided to them, there will be considerable demand for establishment of sanitation facilities in rural households. The project, thus, operates through a number of MFIs and NGOs who are its partners. These partners are provided support to first carry the message of need for rural sanitation to villagers and then provide access to finance to interested households to enable them construct toilets. So far, the project has succeeded in getting constructed 218,000 safe sanitation facilities in 10 states, covering an estimated population of 1,000,000. The final target of the project is to reach the target of 0.5 million toilets before end of April 2016.

Thus FINISH Society has its own reach in 10 states and no other org. can provide you such reach. Also FINISH Society has a team (25) of expert resource persons who has been trained by the experts in sanitation sector. If we talk about last three quarters than FINISH Society is able to construct one toilet/5 min.

I am writing this letter to you with the request that your esteemed organization, may consider joining this campaign and expedite coverage of rural areas with safe sanitation facilities as a worthy cause of your activities.

We shall be grateful if you kindly give this matter your serious consideration. We are available for further discussions with you and your officials on how to take this forward.

With many thanks in advance and with best regards,
Yours sincerely,
Mukul Singhal
Finance Officer

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  • sampark
  • sampark's Avatar
  • Reaching out in grassrouts.Premananda Biswal, Executive Director, SAMPARK TRUST, Bhubaneswar, Odisha would introduce myself, before you as a grass root level Rural & Health development associate for a period spanning over 26 years contributed in the field
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Re: Looking for partner education Non-Profits in India

Dear Ananya,
My trust " SAMPARK" is from Odisha, India.I am operating from Bhubaneswar. I have a NGO net work in all 30 districts of Odisha. I have worked in WES section of UNICEF, Odisha. I have some resource persons on sanitation with me.

I am interested to know more on this activity & want to be associated in this activity.
Could you suggest me to move forward this dialogue ?

Premananda Biswal.
Executive Director.
B-30, BDA Duplex
Odisha, INDIA

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  • AnanyaGh
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Looking for partner education Non-Profits in India


My name is Ananya and I'm the WASH-in-Schools manager for WASH United India, an award winning international nonprofit, with presence in India, Africa, & Germany, that pioneers the use of the use of sport star ambassadors, interactive educational games, and innovative campaigning formats to promote toilets & hand-washing hygiene and to facilitate behavior change.

WASH United India is on its way to becoming THE innovation powerhouse for sanitation & hygiene in India and launching breakthrough programs in sanitation education, awareness, & advocacy.

In 2012, we launched the hugely successful The Great WASH Yatra (www.nirmalbharatyatra.org / www.facebook.com/TheGreatWashYatra) in India - a mega sanitation & hygiene carnival with innovative WASH-themed games, performances, & labs. The carnival traveled 2000 kilometers across rural India and was a huge success: reaching 230 million people through media. Our partners on this campaign included organizations such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GIZ, Water Aid.

Our 2013 strategy comprises of a set of innovative high-impact programs in partnership with innovators, researchers, donors, government agencies, & grassroots nonprofits. These programs include

The WASH Design Lab: A multi-disciplinary innovation lab that creates new games, learning materials for WASH and gives them away for free to other nonprofits
Great WASH Carnival (Nirmal Gram Mela): A pop-up traveling carnival that travels round the year in rural India and communicates the importance of sanitation & hygiene through exciting games & performances
WASH Cricket League: A cricket league in urban slums & rural villages that trains kids in life-saving WASH behavior through cricket & other sports
WASH-In-Schools: A program that partners with nonprofits and provides off-the-shelf & customized WASH curriculum toolkits for use in their programs
WASH-For-India: A volunteer program that embeds volunteers in low income slum communities and rural schools to train children in appropriate sanitation & hygiene behavior.
The Poolitzer Prize: A journalism prize to incentivize more & better coverage on sanitation & hygiene in India. An extremely important initiative because toilets & *shit / poo* are considered taboo topics and are under-reported in the media
The WASH Research Lab: To enable rigorous evaluation of WASH United programs through academic partnerships and ensure continuous improvement

As part of the WASH-in-Schools program, we're looking to partner with suitable education nonprofits of the following kinds:

- Nonprofits that run their own centers or schools or anganwadis or libraries
- Nonprofits that provide curriculum augmentation to government schools, other low income schools
- Nonprofits that provide vocation training and critical life skills to at risk youth populations

While we have our own internal list, I would love to know of other suggestions from the Susana Group so that we can partner with these nonprofits and help take our life-saving behavior change curriculum to millions of children across India.


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