Q&A with sanitation implementers Case Studies - overviews of different latrine programs compiled by CAWST


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Re: Q&A with sanitation implementers Case Studies

Hi Sterenn,
In answer to your question about the project database:
Projects can be added to the project database by anyone. Most of the projects were actually added by me. If an organisation wants to add their own projects that’s great. But usually they are grateful if we (= SuSanA secretariat or anyone else) do it for them. - It would be useful if the projects from your Q&A series could be added to the project database as well.

And I discussed the term latrine a bit more with Sterenn by e-mail and copy here what we wrote:

I said: About the term latrine: In German we have a word called “Latrine” (pronounced like “latriné” with an emphasis on the last “e”) and everyone would think of something very backward, nasty and filthy. So that’s perhaps where my bias against the English word latrine comes from when it’s “latrine” on its own. If it’s “pit latrine” then it feels “OK” to me.

Sterenn replied: ‘latrine’ in north America is only used in the military and scouts – so it doesn’t have the best connotation either. When developing the latrine program design workshop, I asked what term was most commonly used in the countries they work in and there was such a mix. In Latin America, latrine is also not very aspirational. But in Zambia it seemed to be common. We decided to stick with latrine for now so its consistent with our materials, but are open to changing in the future. We adapt all our workshops, so if its delivered in south America, they’ll use the appropriate term in the workshop. - But generally I do think there is a trend to move away from the term.

Does anyone else have any thought about the term "latrine"?

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
Located in Ulm, Germany
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  • sterennphilippe
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Re: Q&A with sanitation implementers Case Studies

Hi Elisabeth,

I think it would be valuable to put these projects on the database. I assume it is usually the implementing organization that uploads their project?

Although we decided to use the word 'latrine' consistently in our questions, the implementing organization that we interviewed could use whatever words they were more comfortable using. But to answer your question, we don't use the term 'latrine' to imply a sub-standard structure. For us, a latrine is made up of the first two boxes of a sanitation system: user interface and excreta storage. Overall, its difficult to find a word that is appropriate globally - some people use latrine, some use toilet, some use bathroom, the list goes on. From my understanding the term latrine is still used in many countries, but it would be interesting to map out which words are most appropriate and used in each country.


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Re: Q&A with sanitation implementers Case Studies

Dear Sterenn,

Thanks for alerting us to those case studies that are written in a Q&A (question and answer) format. I am glad to see they are already in the SuSanA library. :-)

Do you think it would be worthwhile to also add them to the SuSanA project database (www.susana.org/en/knowledge-hub/projects/database)? It might feel like doubling up but I think it could be useful just to ensure the information can be FOUND by various means. Also it would add nicely to the project map:

My second question: why do you use the word latrine so much in these documents? I think it should be either toilets or sanitation but not latrine - which to me implies a sub-standard thing. I think the word latrine only makes sense when it's "pit latrine", then it's OK, but not on its own. That's also how it's worded in the Wikipedia article on latrines:

A latrine is a toilet or an even simpler facility which is used as a toilet within a sanitation system. For example, it can be a communal trench in the earth in a camp to be used as emergency sanitation, a hole in the ground (pit latrine), or more advanced designs, including pour-flush systems.

The term "latrine" is still commonly used in emergency sanitation situations.[1] Nowadays, the word "toilet" is more commonly used than "latrine", except for simple systems like "pit latrine" or "trench latrine".[citation needed]

(if you disagree with the wording in the Wikipedia article, we can change it)

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
Located in Ulm, Germany
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  • kurich
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Re: Q&A with sanitation implementers Case Studies

Thank you so much for conducting this work, Sterenn. We have a lot to learn from each other. If you are looking for other organisations to engage in the future, I can connect you with some of our practitioners at World Vision. We'd love to contribute our learnings as well!
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  • sterennphilippe
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Q&A with sanitation implementers Case Studies

Hello everyone,

As part of our work to develop a training on latrine program design, CAWST is collaborating with various implementer to develop case studies that provide an overview of their latrine programs. Each case study describes how the implementers addressed seven components of latrine programs: stakeholder engagement, demand creation, products and services, finances, capacity development, monitoring and FSM. The purpose of these case studies is to capture implementation successes and lessons learned, and to share these with other implementers.

We would like to thank our first four implementing organizations for sharing their experience:
- Sanergy in Kenya: link
- SNV in Cambodia: link
- Gramalaya in India: link
- PWW in Honduras: link

We will have more case studies in the next couple of months including iDE in Bangladeh, FINISH in India and Practical Action in Nepal!

Hope you enjoy the Q&As!

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