new very good website from the knowledge node in Bolivia, nova pagina de web del nodo de Bolivia


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  • madeleine
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  • Sanitation is dignity and life. Through living and working 15 years in (Mozambique) where Cholera is endemic, the importance of sanitation became evident, furthermore it is clear that sanitation is more than an infrastructure
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new very good website from the knowledge node in Bolivia, nova pagina de web del nodo de Bolivia

Interesting new website for the knowledge node on Sustainable Sanitation in Bolivia
The rapid growing cities in Bolivia in combination with rising temperatures and melting glaciers leaves the cities and in particular the poorest populations without water during major parts of the day and this creates an urgent demand for comfortable waterless sanitation solutions in periurban areas . In April the Minestry of Water and Environment launced a national program for Dry Ecological Sanitation. The knowledge node in Bolivia consisting of a sector platforms with actors from academia, civil society , NGOs companies is supporting the governement to implement the national program with capacity and knowledge development. Follow the knowledge exchange on this excellent website
Madeleine Fogde
Program Director SIANI
Senior Project Manager at SEI
Tel +46 (0)8 6747652
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