Updated standard set of Powerpoint slides to explain SuSanA and the Discussion Forum


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  • Elisabeth
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Re: Updated standard set of Powerpoint slides to explain SuSanA - May 2019

I have updated and extended the old slides that explain the SuSanA discussion forum. I have called the new presentation: "Everything there is to know about the SuSanA Discussion Forum". You can find it here:

Please check if it addresses any questions you have ever had about how this Forum is run, financed etc. and let me know if anything is missing or unclear. In case you'd like to provide comments online, you can click on this link to Google Slides:

The reason why I am putting so much effort into this new expanded presentation is because behind the scenes we are still searching for a funder for this Discussion Forum (to fund ongoing moderation and possibly other activities). This was previously discussed in this thread:

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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Re: Updated standard set of Powerpoint slides to explain SuSanA - May 2019

Dear SuSanA community,

A new version (2019) of the "Set of standard Powerpoint slides to explain SuSanA" is now available in the SuSanA library:

This standard set of powerpoint slides about SuSanA has been developed by the SuSanA secretariat to provide a more detailed overview of SuSanA. It will also help people who are giving presentations about SuSanA to have the latest information on hand and to have a common starting point. It is updated from time to time.

Please note that there is a separate set of slides about the SuSanA Discussion Forum, which can be downloaded here: www.susana.org/en/knowledge-hub/resource...library/details/3630 .

Another aim of developing this standard set of slides was to give all presentations on SuSanA or the working groups and regional chapters a similar "look and feel" which will further help to promote SuSanA.

This is the new version from May 2019, which contains the following subsections:
1. Cover Pages
2. Definition of Sustainable Sanitation
3. Structure and the five roles of SuSanA
4. What is SuSanA?
5. SuSanA Partner Organisations
6. The 5 key messages of SuSanA
7. SuSanA Library
8. SuSanA Online Platform (Website, Social Media)
9. Get involved
10. Annex

The following are a few tips for new users of this set of powerpoint slides:

To change the footer including the date, you will need to go into the slide master and make the changes there. You can use the SuSanA open discussion forum prior and post presentation to prepare discussion points and also bounce ideas around. If you use this template in a presentation please feel free to send the SuSanA secretariat a copy of your presentation. We are always happy to hear from supporters of sustainable sanitation and to share knowledge with the sustainable sanitation community.

If you come across any errors please communicate them to the SuSanA secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We are providing the slides as a complete set in one file, or - for people with a slow internet connection - as 10 chapters in separate 10 files (see below).

[posted by Magdalena]
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
Follow us on facebook: www.facebook.com/susana.org, linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/sustainable-sanitation-alliance-susana and twitter: twitter.com/susana_org

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Re: Reply: Updated standard set of Powerpoint slides to explain SuSanA


Elisabeth, I think it'd make sense to set up a secretariat account (free) on Slideshare, so that other items, like updated from different WG, can go in the collection. And the 'community' is more of a generic social media community. The ability to instantly view presentations means slideshare is good content for Tweets and FB posts, for example, so people tend to visit from there. But slideshare presentations also come up quite high in google searches, depending on the title of the slide and the tagging you do. So traffic continues to build, in the classic way, over time.

And thanks for the link to the maps discussion. When that is resolved, I'd be interested to see it



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  • Elisabeth
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Re: Reply: Updated standard set of Powerpoint slides to explain SuSanA

Dear Pete,

Putting this important presentation about SuSanA also on Slideshare is a good suggestion, I think. I don't think the SuSanA secretariat has used Slideshare yet (?). I have never uploaded anything to there either, only accessed other people's ppts on there. There is actually a "Slideshare community" out there?

If SuSanA members have Slideshare accounts would you suggest that they also upload it or is it better if only the secretariat uploads it?

I would also like to thank Friederike for the hard work she did on updating these powerpoint slides. As you can imagine, it was quite tedious work because every single number on every slide had to be checked and updated... The screenshots from the SuSanA website used in this ppt are still screenshots from the old website layout, so I can see the need for another update coming up soon. ;-)

I helped Friederike with some of the slides. In particular the slides in Chapter 9 about the Discussion Forum were updated by me.

You can see just that chapter here:

or attached to this post here:

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About the mentionend map:
Friederike mentioned a map of partner organisations but I think she actually meant a map of members (i.e. individuals).
I think you are referring to the map on slidge 39 (in chapter 4)?

I have put my answer for this into this existing thread where we discussed the map before (just to keep things neat and tidy):

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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  • petecranston
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Re: Reply: Updated standard set of Powerpoint slides to explain SuSanA


Great work Friederike and all at the secretariat. I found it a really interesting and useful intro. Two notes:
  1. Why not upload a standard version into Slideshare.net? As I am sure you all know, presentations can be viewed in place on slideshare, for those with browsable Internet access (and you can embed the viewer into the Susana site, so people would watch it there). It can also be downloaded from there and another, though small, advantage is that the community on Slideshare is another potential audience.
  2. I looked for some of the maps displaying the network on the Susana site and couldn’t find them. Are they available there, and if not, what about adding them into the ‘about’ or ‘partners’ sections?


Pete Cranston

Euforic Services

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Updated standard set of Powerpoint slides to explain SuSanA

Dear SuSanA community,

A new version (2014) of the "Set of standard Powerpoint slides to explain SuSanA" is now available in the SuSanA library (link below).


This standard set of powerpoint slides about SuSanA has been developed by the SuSanA secretariat to provide a more detailed overview on SuSanA and to ensure that all presenters preparing presentations on SuSanA have a common style and standard.

These slides were designed to give all SuSanA and working groups presentations a similar "look and feel" which will help promote SuSanA further.

The new version from 2014 contains the following subsections:
1. Cover Pages
2. Definition of Sustainable Sanitation
3. Structure and the five roles of SuSanA
4. What is SuSanA?
5. SuSanA Partner Organisations
6. The 5 key messages of SuSanA
7. SuSanA Library
8. SuSanA Online Platform (Website, Social Media)
9. SuSanA Forum
10. Get involved
11. Annex

It took us plenty of time to compile the map, which shows a country-wise SuSanA partner organisations active worldwide. This map paves way to identify the flow of support from our partner organisations and the headquarters of our partners.
The forum chapter is a new addition and reveals many interesting facts about the SuSanA forum, its development and gives an idea about the future of SusanA.

Any old data can be accessed from the 2012 version.

Comments and feedback are welcome as always.

I also want take this opportunity to say good-bye as my internship ends this friday and I will go on with my master degree in "International Area Studies" in October. It was a great pleasure to work at the SuSanA secretariat and even to meet a few of you at the 18th SuSanA meeting in Stockholm!

(posted by Friederike, intern at GIZ and at the SuSanA secretariat)
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
Follow us on facebook: www.facebook.com/susana.org, linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/sustainable-sanitation-alliance-susana and twitter: twitter.com/susana_org

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