Ecosan toilet posters for school (Catholic diocese of Bungoma water program located in western parts of Kenya) - and O&M issues


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Re: Reply: UDT

I can answer the last 3 of your questions.

4. What do you need to add value to harvested urine

Use it to grow fish.

5. What is the mineral distribution in the diluted urine (1 urine:3 water)

The average nutrient content of urine is Nitrogen - 5 g per person per day and Phosphate - 0.5 g per person per day.

6. How does one arrive at the market value of the added value of both human waste respectively.

We can grow Diatoms upto 12 times the N content, i.e., 60 g per person using the toilet per day. This would increase fish weight by 6 grams per day.

If fish are harvested at 1 kg weight and sold for Rs 100 per kg, the income would be at least Rs 200 per user per year. The actual income is more since fish feces too is recycled in the ponds ( 60 g - 6 g mentioned above ).


Clean technology promoter.

I am working on a clean technology product to grow Diatom Algae in large waterways. Diatoms account for about 25% of all photosynthesis on Earth and hence are the best solution to consume CO2, N and P and oxygenate water and feed fish.

I am a Chartered Accountant but am now an entrepreneur focussed on clean technology.

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[Start of Page 2 of the discussion thread]

After constructing six UDT for St. Monica girls secondary school we went there for a revisit and realized that most of the stool chambers are full. They are using the second chambers. This means that very soon they will be also full. The headmistress asked us who will be responsible for emptying them.

We concluded that though we trained them on O&M and she knows how to empty she is not ready for harvesting the manure. I have realised that there is a need to solve this gap economical. Therefore kindly assist me answer the following and I will make money out of this need.

1. What do you need for preparation of decomposed stool before emptying the vaults
2. What do you need when you want to add value to the decomposed stool
3. What is the mineral distribution in decomposed stool
4. What do you need to add value to harvested urine
5. What is the mineral distribution in the diluted urine (1 urine:3 water)
6. How does one arrive at the market value of the added value of both human waste respectively.

My regards
Martin Omulama Mbati

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Re: Catholic dioces of Bungoma WATSAN program untill June 2014- Status note

Dear Sir
Thanks very much for the email. As said before CDB is active till June 30 2014 so you are free to visit our program office located on
Mumias Bungoma road
besides Catholic diocese of Bungoma
Christ the King Cathedral parish.

Catholic diocese of Bungoma
Pastoral offices
2nd floor
room 23
Any day within the week. We don't work on Saturday and Sunday.
Martin Omulama Mbati

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  • ande1978
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Re: Catholic dioces of Bungoma WATSAN program untill June 2014- Status note

Dear Martin,

I am sorry that your project is coming to an end soon. I am aware of what progress you did in terms of introducing Ecosan and what impact it has on the communities you serve.

I am German and live in Trans Nzoia country, close to Kiminini (Kitale). Since last year, I act as an independent Ecosan consultant in Kenya.

I really like to meet you and share views for the future. Ecosan is a way to go in Kenya and can really have an impact on the whole country.

Until end of march, I work for a German NGO in Chwele being the main engineer for the Ecosan facilities that are constructed for a medical centre, on the compound of Deliverance Church (you may know it probably?).

Find my contact data in my profile and lets meet as soon as possible to keep the Ecosan spirit in motion.


Ecological Sanitation Consultant
currently acting as Project Manager in Sanitation for "Offene Herzen e.V. - open hearts" in Chwele/Western Kenya

Master in Business Engineering
Longing for a detailed review of the UN MDG achievements after 2015 with rectifying post-MDG goals

Mobile: +254708617662
Location: Kiminini (Kitale), Kenya

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Re: Catholic dioces of Bungoma WATSAN program untill June 2014- Status note


It is important to note that Catholic diocese of Bungoma (CDB) watsan program was founded early 1993. It was purely a water program offering rain water harvesting tanks (Ferro cement tanks of 15,000 L and masonry underground tanks of 50,000L) spring protection, fitting hand pumps on both deep and shallow wells and drilling of boreholes) for both institutions and communities found in Both Busia and Bungoma counties. We have implemented over 200 community water projects with over 1500 beneficiary communities have benefited from these interventions.

We introduced sanitation (ECOSAN toilets) in 2013. We constructed one for a household of 9 people at Ndaulu village. Then we constructed 6 facilities for Mbakalo friends Secondary school ( two for staff and 4 for students) a complex of 435 people. We constructed two facilities for two different house holds in Nangina. We constructed one facility for a household in Nambale. At the moment we are constructing four more facilities at St. Monica Bukokholo girls and four for St.Francis Makegomo RC secondary school simultaneously. These two site will be through by March 27. We have touched very many for both WATSAN projects. We have achieved a lot for water but sanitation as you can see was peaking up steady.

CDB WATSAN program is closing on June 30 2014 not because the diocese has achieved it WATSAN objective of providing clean and safe water and recommended sanitation options for the rural people of her diocese but because the single donor (MISEREOR) who was funding us can not fund us any more. The need for WATSAN is steel big. We were able to meet only 30% , that is why I felt I register a company that will cater for the new needs emerging and also offer a fall back services to those projects we successfully developed should they experience any challenges or success stories that they may want to share with the entire world.

That is how we started, where we are (CDB WATSAN program till June 30 2014/Maji pumps structures Ltd) and where we are going. I would be very much happy to get more information and advice that will enable us see and rich where we are going and how to reach there.. Any assistance will be highly appreciated.
My very best regards

Martin Omulama Mbati
Diocesan WATSAN program coordinator till June 30 2014

Consultant officer
Maji pumps structures Ltd
Martin Omulama Mbati

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I am working with Catholic diocese of Bungoma WATSAN program. We have developed many WASTAN projects across the diocese which is covering both Bungoma and Busia counties. We have constructed ECOSAN toilets for both community and schools see attached photos of the ECOSAN toilets we constructed for St. Monica Bukokholo girls.
We are looking for illustrative posters that we can hung in these facilities that demonstrate how to use the ECOSAN toilets. These are handy particularly to visitors how want to use the facility for the first time.
Your assistance will highly be appreciated.

Martin Omulama Mbati
Diocesan WATSAN program coordinator Till June 2014
Martin Omulama Mbati

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Dear Martin,

This is a question that comes up quite regularly.
(Although I wonder a bit if the posters shouldn't have been designed and hung up before you handed over these UDDTs (ecosan toilets)?)

The SuSanA secretariat has collected such posters in two locations.
If you go to the SuSanA library ( and you filter by "posters" and by "UDDTs" you get to this page with 37 poster examples:

Secondly if you go to the photo collection of SuSanA ( you go to this collection for posters (30 posters):

Quite a few of them are from Kenya by GIZ and partners, in various languages, see e.g. this one:

File Attachment:

Instruction on “Using the EcoSan Toilet” put on display inside Ms. Emily Walubengo’s UDDT by Sustainable sanitation , on Flickr

Hope this helps.

Note to all working with UDDTs: if you have additional or better posters on how to use UDDTs which are not yet stored in the SuSanA library or in the Flickr collection, please do send them to the SuSanA secretariat (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) so that they can be collected - which makes it easier for newcomers to quickly find a suitable poster in the suitable language that they are looking for. Thanks!


P.S. About your problem with attaching photos, are they the same ones which you attached here: ?
(rather steep stairs by the way, how about users with disabilities and the elderly?)

Another P.S. Please fill in your forum profile with more details, such as photo, location, some personal text about you. Here you find instructions on how to do it, thanks:
Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
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Located in Ulm, Germany
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  • omulama
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I am working with Catholic diocese of Bungoma WATSAN program. We are looking for how to use posters to hung in our ECOSAN toilets that we have constructed for schools and communities within Catholic diocese of Bungoma. However I have tried three times to upload photos of the projects but I have not succeed.
Your assistance to our request will highly be appreciated.
My very best regards

Martin Omulama Mbati
Diocesan WATSAN program coordinator
Martin Omulama Mbati

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  • omulama
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Re: Ecosan toilet posters for school (Catholic diocese of Bungoma water program located in western parts of Kenya) - and O&M issues

I am working with Catholic diocese of Bungoma WATSAN program since 1995 but we will be winding up in June 30 2014. We have constructed very many ECOSAN toilets within the diocese which is covering Busia and Bungoma counties. We are looking for how to use ECOSAN posters that we can hung in the facilities. These will guide particularly visitors who will be using the ECOSAN toilet for the first time so us to reduce miss use and enhance effective recycling of human waste.
We have attached photos of the ECOSAN facilities we constructed at St. Monica Bukokholo girls. Four of them are in use while we are constructing four more. Your assistance will highly be appreciate.
My very best regards
Martin Omulama Mbati

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  • omulama
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Re: Handing over to the first ECOSAN toilet constructed by Catholic diocese of Bungoma Water program

Catholic diocese of Bungoma water program is located in Western Kenya covering Bungoma and Busia counties. We will be handing over the 1st ECOSAN toilet to be constructed by the diocese on Thursday February 7 2013 to a family living in the market at 10 am at Ndalu market, Nadula catholic parish Bungoma North district, Bungoma county. The chief guest will be the CEO Lake Victoria North water service board.
All are welcome to witness this special occasion to our program and more so to Catholic diocese of Bungoma. See you when we get their

Martin Omulama Mbati
Diocesan WATSAN program coordinator
Martin Omulama Mbati

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  • Elisabeth
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Re: I can access the UDDTs BQs drawings and designs

Dear Martin,

Which section can you not access? Have you tried here on the SuSanA website for the UDDT drawings and some BoQ information:

Also check the SuSanA case studies for Uganda, we have 4 now:

Also this publication should be helfpul for you:
NETWAS-U (2011). Ecological sanitation in Uganda - Inspirational success stories from the field. Network for Water and Sanitation in Uganda (NETWAS-U), Kampala, Uganda.

Hope this helps.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
Located in Ulm, Germany
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  • omulama
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Re: I can access the UDDTs BQs drawings and designs

Dear friends we are in process of introducing UDDTs in our diocesan program so as to make it a complete water and sanitation program, however I have not been able to access the UDDTs BQs drawing and designs found in this section can you help me access this information?
I have had of a unicef booklate talking about types of UDDTs designs and use in Uganda, I have searched for this book on the internet but I have not been able to get it. Is any one able to assist me get this booklate?
With best regards I remain

Martin Omulama Mbati
Diocesan water program coordinator
Martin Omulama Mbati

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