WG 12 (WASH & Nutrition) meeting & informal get-together in the run-up to the WASH Nutrition Forum Bonn, on November 10


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Re: Minutes of the WG 12 Meeting in the run-up to the WASH Nutrition Forum Bonn, on November 10

Thanks Elisabeth for refering to the factsheet .

An initial list of points concerning possible updates/additions is currently looked at by the WG leads. The list of aspects and also information on how to get involved will follow here shortly.

Business Development Manager
LAVESE - aquanesa solution

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Re: Minutes of the WG 12 Meeting in the run-up to the WASH Nutrition Forum Bonn, on November 10

Dear secretariat,

I don't know who wrote these meeting minutes but thank you very much, they're very informative and well written!

You mentioned the draft factsheet of Working Group 12. What is the current status of this factsheet (could you perhaps provide an update in this thread about it?: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/131-wg...wg-12-wash-nutrition)

How are you organising inputs? Just wondering if the Working Group members can alread use the SuSanA Wiki to work on it collaboratively more easily? See here: " www.susana.org/en/resources/wiki/factshe...ition#akvopedia:WASH and Nutrition "

(I am having a problem getting this odd link to work! I think it's due to the empty spaces in it; but if you want to get there, just copy it into your browser or get there from here:
" www.susana.org/en/resources/wiki#akvopedia:Sanitation Portal "
(Ah, again this link won't work directly from this post due to the space between Sanitation and Portal :-( )
(@secretariat: it would be good if the links could be made more straigh forward and without spaces in them?)

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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Re: Minutes of the WG 12 Meeting in the run-up to the WASH Nutrition Forum Bonn, on November 10

To start the WASH Nutrition Forum with fresh ideas, a Working Group 12 meeting was held the evening before the conference, on November 10. During the meeting Working Group leads, SuSanA representatives, members and aspiring members shared their ideas of what sector integration could mean in practical terms.

After Working Group lead Stephan Simon (Welthungerhilfe) welcomed the participants and highlighted the importance of the cooperation between both sectors, the meeting started with an overview about the SuSanA platform. Arne Panesar (GIZ) posed the question of whether SuSanA is interesting for nutrition experts at all and if so, how it could serve to close the gap between both sectors.

The participants started discussing actively quickly. Abigale Mupambi (Progress coordinating trust) expressed her wish for WASH programs to be more nutrition sensitive. Renuka Bery (FHI 360) explained that this lack of mutual consideration could be based on the fact that the two sectors organized themselves very differently – the WASH sector usually sets its targets on community level while the nutrition sector often works on a household level for the poorest. Dr. Oliver Hoffmann (Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.) further mentioned that the common approach of the WASH sector might create more interlinkage than the top-down approach of many nutrition programs. Theresa Jeremias (CARE) added that in contrast to the WASH sector, the nutrition sector is not united yet and has rather complex organizational structures.

In his presentation, Jean Lapegue (ACF) made the participants aware that WASH and nutrition programs worked in all different parts of Africa but never together in the same spot. He also drew the attention to unequal governmental focus regarding this issue, as for example in France. There 79 per cent of the resources are used for food assistance, 20 per cent for health and only 1 per cent for WASH. Jean highlighted that a cooperation of both sectors is not only mostly necessary but should also be nothing like “rocket science” as it would only mean daily business in an improved way. He concluded that the key to success here might be a global mapping of all WASH and nutrition programs to create synergies. As a first success of the meeting, he and Abigale realized that they both work in Zimbabwe and should definitely work together.

Afterwards, Jona Toetzke (SuSanA / ACF) asked the participants for feedback about the Working Group 12 factsheet in order to elaborate it further. The feedback was diverse and the work on the factsheet can be continued efficiently.

At the end of the meeting both Arne and Thilo Panzerbieter (GTO) summed up that the Working Group meeting offered a productive opportunity for exchange and learning from each other and therefore presented a perfect start for the following two days of the WASH Nutrition Forum.
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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Re: WG 12 (WASH & Nutrition) meeting & informal get-together in the run-up to the WASH Nutrition Forum Bonn, on November 10

Dear WG12 members,

Remember that today is the WG12 Meeting and the informal get together at 6pm in the building of Welthungerhilfe, Bonn (Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 1, 53173). If you still want to attend the meeting but you have not registered yet please inform to the SuSanA secretariat (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) your willingness to participate until 13.00 CET.

Now one question: How to link and improve the knowledge management between the sanitation and nutrition sector?

Lets figure it out today. Looking forward to meeting you!

Kind regards,
Evelyn (on behalf of the SuSanA secretariat)

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Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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  • Jona
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Re: WG 12 (WASH & Nutrition) meeting & informal get-together in the run-up to the WASH Nutrition Forum Bonn, on November 10

Thanks Annkathrin & Secretariat and the WG12 leads for making this meeting possible !

As this is my first post in the forum, I take the time to quickly introduce myself. The sanitation sector is still relatively new for me and became familiar only in the beginning of this year, when I supported the SuSanA secretariat. Of special interest to me was the interlinkage between WASH & Nutrition, the focus area of WG12. I am now associated with ACF France, one of the partner organisations of SuSanA, working at this particular interface.

In the context of the upcoming Bonn WASH Nutrition Forum (11-12 November) and this year’s theme for the World Toilet Day (19 November), the get-together of SuSanA WG12 takes place in a special setting of international events. Particularly the engagement of nutrition enthusiasts is desired to strengthen the cross sectoral dialog. I see it as a great opportunity to meet people from both sectors in a rather informal atmosphere.

Working group lead Stephan Simon (Welthungerhilfe) will open the meeting. A brief overview about SuSanA will be shared by the Head of the SuSanA secretariat Arne Panesar. Crisp input on a few strategic questions will be given by Jean Lapegue (ACF). It will also be looked at the SuSanA factsheet WASH & Nutrition as one of the activities of the working group. The complete agenda is attached to the post from Annkathrin above.

Questions to think about beforehand for members of the WG12 can be:
- How would I like to contribute to the WG?
- How can the factsheet be optimised?
- What are the goals for the working group in the future?

Questions for guests:
- Why am I here?
- Where do I see options to get involved in this working group?
- What are special aspects that I consider to deserve more attention?

As a first timer, I am very much looking forward to getting to know part of the SuSanA community and beyond!

Best regards,
Business Development Manager
LAVESE - aquanesa solution

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WG 12 (WASH & Nutrition) meeting & informal get-together in the run-up to the WASH Nutrition Forum Bonn, on November 10

Dear all,

the SuSanA secretariat, together with GIZ, ACF, Welthungerhilfe and GTO, warmly invites you to a WG12 get-together on the the eve of the WASH Nutrition Forum Bonn, on November 10 at 6 pm.

The get-together aims to start conversations between the WASH and nutrition sector and to exchange ideas about knowledge management in a relaxed atmosphere and with room for informal exchange. We especially invite the nutrition community to join this meeting and pre-discuss some of the topics of the WASH Nutrition Forum in a familiar atmosphere.

We are happy that Jean Lapegue (ACF), Arne Panesar (SuSanA), Ben Hobbs (Generation Nutrition) and Stephan Simon (Welthungerhilfe) will enrich the meeting with short inputs on the linkage of WASH & Nutrition.

The meeting will take place at the headquarter of Welthungerhilfe in Bonn www.welthungerhilfe.de/fileadmin/user_up...hungerhilfe-bonn.pdf.

Please find the draft agenda of the meeting attached.

We kindly ask you to inform the SuSanA Secretariat (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by 5th November if you would like to attend the meeting, as seats will be limited.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Warm regards,

Annkathrin (on behalf of the SuSanA Secretariat)

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Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
Follow us on facebook: www.facebook.com/susana.org, linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/sustainable-sanitation-alliance-susana and twitter: twitter.com/susana_org

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