Would you buy tomatoes fertilized with urine?


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Re: Would you buy tomatoes fertilized with urine?

I seem to recall seeing a neighbour's dog pee on their tomato plant. Is dog pee okay if human pee is not? Should I have told my neighbor?\

Should Bangladeshis be encouraged to drink the treated water of the Brahmaputra?
(Context explainer for people who don't know about the drinking water situation in Bangladesh: Having had the opportunity of two years in Bangladesh I came to wonder why their people prefer ground water to the water of the Brahmaputra.  I could be wrong, but I was variously told that people won't drink Brahmaputra water because animals defecate in it.  Many Bangladeshis drink, instead, arsenic-contaminated groundwater. I don't find it right, that people are getting arsenicosis while they could be getting treated surface water.)

All the best
All the best, Reid
Anthony Reid Harvey, ceramic industrial designer
Africa Prosperity Inc.
Niagara Falls, NY USA
Here is a video presentation that gives an overview of ceramic WASH and development interventions:
Harvey, Anthony Reid (2021): Sanitary stoneware toilets: production closer to the need. Loughborough University. Conference contribution. hdl.handle.net/2134/16941193.v1

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  • Robert74
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Re: Would you buy tomatoes fertilized with urine?

Hello Paresh.

Very funny this video of the Big Bang Theory  :-)

I have the same results without TV drama faces.

The test made in Geneva during the Alternatiba event in September are all in French.

It is an eco festival with generally open minded people.

Basically I offered visitors the opportunity to taste tomatoes knowing that they were fertilized with urine.

I did the same type of tests at the WWW in Stockholm in 2019, in Swiss garden centers and during many events.

Then I offered them a second tomato and I asked them if they would buy these tomatoes at the supermarket.

100% of the opinions were favorable and quite impressed with the superior flavor.

It is a lot of fun to break the ice and do it a first time.

The people expressions are very easy to translate and the video also explains the precautions and my method of application.

My urine collection method with the ORIAZ Urinette avoids any risk of cross-contamination with faeces.

The Solar-Dripper ensures 100% application in the soil without contact with edible parts.

You can see another video translated in english :

This is an efficient and safe method to use in your home garden with you urine and for agriculture.

Farmer just have to be a bit more carefull ( ex: use glove) with collected urine to protech them from self exposure or splashing during handling.

More than 400 people have test my tomatoes so far and we have 0 % drama.

Handling your urine is 100 safe.

I encourage every ressearch groups to do it with at least 12 tomato plants.


+33 6 76 94 27 97 in France

Robert Cossette

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Re: Would you buy tomatoes fertilized with urine?

Dear Robert, 
For the benefit of people who don't know French, could you please summarise. I am also curious to know how people responded to your question. 

In my understanding, even the most learned scientists find it yucky. I am reminded of this episode from the BIg Bang Theory. 

Kind regards
Paresh Chhajed-Picha
Researcher at Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, India
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  • Robert74
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Would you buy tomatoes fertilized with urine?

I asked visitors to the Alternatiba fair if they would buy tomatoes fertilized with urine.

It was last week in Geneva. 

    video in French.

Other video about the use of the Solar-Dripper in Uzbékistan : 

Robert Cossette


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