New Wikipedia article on decentralized wastewater systems


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  • JKMakowka
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Re: Working Group 6 members: Take part in our Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon 19-21 March ! Example: new article on decentralized wastewater systems

It is mainly used for overflows in mixed / combined systems and works very similar to a vertical flow constructed wetland.

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  • Decentral
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Re: Working Group 6 members: Take part in our Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon 19-21 March ! Example: new article on decentralized wastewater systems

Thanks for your comments. I do not read and speak German language, but from the figure it looks like an interesting solution for storm water treatment before discharge, therefore could be applied in locations with separate conveyance systems (storm water and wastewater in separate pipelines). If this is the case, it does not apply to the wastewater system. If it is applied for combined systems (storm water and wastewater in one pipeline with overflows for excess water during rain) - may be, but I think it falls mainly in the realm of storm water management. So, may be it is not a suitable example, but will try to see if I can find a way to incorporate it.
Regarding the management and regulations, I was thinking to add a section, but they differ so much, may be I will find some sources from leading countries.

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  • JKMakowka
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Re: Working Group 6 members: Take part in our Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon 19-21 March ! Example: new article on decentralized wastewater systems

I think it could also have a section on decentralized storm-water treatment, such as: (only available in German it seems). Technically that is part of a centralized system, but used to partially decentralize it.

Some comments on effluent quality and regulations for discharge (and reuse) might be also interesting.

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  • Elisabeth
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Re: Working Group 6 members: Take part in our Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon 19-21 March ! Example: new article on decentralized wastewater systems

Dear all,

Please have a look at the Wikipedia article on Decentralized Wastewater System as it stands now and give us your feedback:

And by the way, tomorrow Wednesday 29 March we will be back in the Adobe Connect virtual workroom with anyone who wants to do some Wikipedia editing together with others and have their questions answered!

It will be from 10:00 GMT (London time) until evening our time (so late at night in Asia, afternoon in the US).

You can enter the room using the same link as before:

Edits that you make tomorrow are still counted towards the outcomes of the SuSanA Edit-a-thon (until 31 March).
Currently our outputs look like this:

As of 28 March 2017:
* Articles created: 4
* Articles edited: 94
* Total edits: 1110
* Editors: 58
* Words added: 28,300
* Wikimedia Commons uploads: 16

For the next six weeks we will be in the room every Wednesday, together with the 4 Cranfield students helping out on Wikipedia and anyone else who wants to learn and edit Wikipedia as a SuSanA team effort!

Roumiana, I copy below what I had written by e-mail in case it's also useful for others who are dabbling with Wikipedia.


Dear Roumiana,

I've also replied to you on the talk page of the article ( I saw that you made further edits to the article today which is great.

The sections History, Examples and External Links are actually standard for Wikipedia articles so I don’t know why you wanted to delete them rather than build them up further?

I just wanted to check that you get Wikipedia’s e-mail notifications of changes made to the decentralized wastewater system article talk page and your own talk page? I don’t want to put you under time pressure to respond – I am just asking because a lot of new Wikipedians forget to enable the e-mail notification service and then they miss out on seeing replies.

I’ve made some further changes to the article. I also added two images which I found in Wikimedia Commons. You can find further ones here:
Just use the search field at the top right.

It contains all the photos from the SuSanA flickr collection. Any photo that you find in Wikimedia Commons is OK to use in terms of copyright. If you don’t like those photos, do you have your own photos which you’d like to add (if you own them)?

I also think we should still add an examples section and also a section on operation and maintenance. There should also be more references that could be added, like publications from BORDA? I had a quick look in the SuSanA library and picked some out:

I will add them to the article now.

I’ve also sent an e-mail to Stefan Reuter inviting him to comment. This is how Wikipedia works: someone starts and then – hopefully – lots of others join in and make it better. Sometimes there are discussions on how to make it better. These we can have on the talk page here:

(I put something there just to get it started; make sure you sign any replies with the 4 tildes: ~~~~

Do let me know if anything is unclear.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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  • Decentral
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Re: Working Group 6 members: Take part in our Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon 19-21 March ! Example: new article on decentralized wastewater systems

Dear Elisabeth,

Thanks for the improvements, the article looks very well now ( I did add 2 sentences in the second paragraph of the background, underlining the necessity of the conveyance structure.

Regarding the illustration - yes, I would like to add something meaningful, but can not find any suitable photo or scheme. Did look up the 'flikr' photos, recommended by sanitation but -nothing suitable. Will keep looking but I do not know if I will manage till the 31st March. On the draft is written that the page waits a review, so I do not know how long it will take.

The title has been changed, which I expected (did read the Wikipedia rules); do not like it very much, but will accept the change.

Still working on the talk page, have made some progress, but have to exercise more.

Any other remarks or additions from you or the rest of the forum members are welcome.

Rest regards,

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  • Elisabeth
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Re: Working Group 6 members: Take part in our Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon 19-21 March ! Example: new article on decentralized wastewater systems

Dear Roumiana,

Thanks for persisting despite your struggles! You did register correctly on the dashboard and that's how I found you and saw that you were busy with the article on Decentralized wastewater systems:
(user: RHrani)

I think your draft is already very good and ready to be looked at by other SuSanA members. I think it will soon be ready for submission as well.

Here is the link the draft article:

Anyone with a Wikipedia account can edit it, or discuss it on the talk page (or here on the forum).

I recommend to people to use both places for discussion, depending on the nature of the points. Discussing it here might encourage other SuSanA members to take the plunge and join us on Wikipedia.

I can follow your reasoning about the title now.

I have made some small formatting changes to your draft. One thing that is important is to follow the Manual of Style (Sanitation) that we have set up. In particular using section headings that are standardised (exceptions are possible of course). So I have gently adjusted that.

How about adding some images?
This is explained here:

The other thing is you asked about the talk page. To write on the talk page you need to click on "Edit source". If there is no edit source button for you then you might need to adjust your preferences in Wikipedia at the top right. Perhaps you have only enabled the visual editor? You need both editors, as for the talk page you need the source editor and you need to sign your comments with this: ~~~~

I've tried to explain talk pages and the two editors in my video here:

Is it clearer for you now?

Also to you a big thank you and well done that you followed our call for the edit-a-thon and used this deadline to get this draft up and going!

We are still counting the edits of people towards the edit-a-thon until 31 March, so if you have a bit of time between now and then please continue! And of course also continue on Wikipedia beyond 31 March - that's only the date when we stop counting the edits for the edit-a-thon.

Please don't hesitate to ask any further questions here (or by direct e-mail),

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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  • Decentral
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Re: Working Group 6 (WG 6) members: Take part in our Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon 19/20 March !

Dear Elisabeth,

Thanks for your support and interest in my participation in the Wikipedia event.

As I am new to the process of editing and communicating through Wikipedia, did experience several problems during the event, which I will list below:
1. I tried but was not able to register for the event. Received message that e-mail confirmation is necessary, and I will receive a code by e-mail. I never received any e-mail with a code.
2. I still do not know how to write on the talk page, e.g. if I want to reply to KAH87, who send a message on my talk page, how I do it? On my talk page or on user KAH87? How I can write on a talk page, I do not see any key for this purpose? Please pay attention that I can use only the visual editor and do not have time to deal with the other way of writing.
3. I had to write twice the article, because it is not explained that the sand box is obligatory and the article will be reviewed. In my brief experience, I was not able to save my first work on the designated for this purpose page, so I lost it and had to write it again.
4. There are a lot of instructions from all messages, videos, manuals, etc. , which I have read carefully, but in many cases they all say the same (on my point of view). I miss some basics on the technicalities, but may be its my fault.

Regarding the editions and help from the SusanA members, I am open to suggestions and would like to work on this draft in the near future. But may be it will be better to use this forum, but not the talk page ??

Regarding the title of the article: I would like to keep to the original one, because it describes all components of the "whole", rather than to concentrate on the treatment only. At on-site level the conveyance pipeline is very short and might not be of interest mentioning, however at the larger scales of decentralization, the conveyance is indeed important and should be given consideration. Just to explain, in a small treatment plant, lets say a constructed wetland, if the conveyance structure is not designed and build properly, the wastewater might not arrive at the treatment plant, or its quantity might be reduced significantly. But your remark indicates that I might add a paragraph, mentioning this in the article. In addition, the title is correct because it pays attention to the 3rd component - the disposal or reuse of the effluent, which is a of importance as well.
Regarding the styling and headings, I do not mind any corrections, I have used the headings shown in the visual editor. Actually, I do not know if somebody else can edit my draft in the sand box?

Best regards and looking forward to finish this work successfully,

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  • Elisabeth
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Re: Working Group 6 (WG 6) members: Take part in our Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon 19/20 March !

Dear Roumiana,

You wrote:

I would like to support the idea of editing Wikipedia pages related to sustainable sanitation, and also to participate in it. I could do editing or fresh writing on the new page "Decentralized wastewater systems", and also in helping editing the "Integrated Urban water management"one.

I am really happy that you follow through with your plans!

I see that you have started an article in your sandbox here:

Are you happy for everyone to take a look and give you feedback now?

One thing I wonder about is that you have called it Decentralized wastewater systems.

I would have probably made it Decentralized wastewater treatment systems but do you think it's better without the word "treatment" in the title?

My second comment is that I would recommend that you use standard headings for your article. We have developed standard headings and described them here in our Manual of Style (Sanitation) of the WikiProject Sanitation:


P.S. The edit-a-thon is officially still on for another hour... Come to the virtual workroom to say hello:

If the workroom is already closed by the time you read this, you find more information also here:

Edits of registered people will still be counted all the way through until 31 March.
Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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  • Decentral
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  • Independent consultant with special interest in decentralized wastewater systems
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New Wikipedia article on decentralized wastewater systems - and editing together in virtual workroom every Wednesday 10:00 GMT (London time) until evening

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to support the idea of editing Wikipedia pages related to sustainable sanitation, and also to participate in it. I could do editing or fresh writing on the new page "Decentralized wastewater systems", and also in helping editing the "Integrated Urban water management"one. I do not have experience in this direction and would need instructions and may be a mentor (as suggested). I will register for the event 19-20 March.

Best regards,

Roumiana Hranova
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