Deadline Extended! FINISH Mondial Sanitation Challenge Contest 2020


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Re: Deadline Extended! FINISH Mondial Sanitation Challenge Contest 2020

We are pleased to announce our esteemed panel of jurors includes:

The top three applications will be rewarded as follows:
  1. The first prize is € 3000 and the opportunity to implement the solution in the field in one of the FM countries;
  2. The second prize is € 2000 and acknowledgment on the FINISH Mondial platforms (social media, website); and
  3.  The third prize is € 1000 and acknowledgment on the FINISH Mondial platforms (social media, website).
In addition to informing you about the new application deadline, we would appreciate if you can spread the word and assist as in the effort
to reach out to more potential applicants. The full Sanitation Challenge Call can be downloaded as a pdf here.
For any clarifications or questions, you can email our contest coordinator, Fadli, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  • Fadli
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Re: Deadline Extended! FINISH Mondial Sanitation Challenge Contest 2020

New Timeline:
Deadline: 31 July 2020
Announcement of Winner: 31 August 2020
Awards Ceremony: TBD

Seeking Innovators! FINISHMondial Sanitation Challenge 2020
This contest is based on thepremise that amongst other factors, lack of sanitation coverage (in rural
populations of developing countries), is due to lack of innovation on cost
reductions, to make them more accessible to the masses. We invite you to rise
to the challenge and propose an ‘innovation’ in one or more of the components
of an onsite sanitation system to facilitate the installation and usage of
toilets in developing countries, preferable in one the FINISH Mondial countries
(India, Bangladesh, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania & Ethiopia). The innovation can
be created through novel design and/or novel choice of materialsused and/or a new process and/or any other component that will help toreduce the cost of a sanitation system.
Why thissanitation challenge?
This contest is based on one ofthe key fundamentals of the FINISH programme: the need to reduce costs of
sanitation systems. The design is targeted to incrementally lower the cost of
sanitation systems. We are NOT looking for big technology breakthroughs, but
small improvements in existing designs that can reduce the cost of construction
or at the same cost, improve its usefulness and client satisfaction.
What are welooking for?
A sanitation system comprises asuper-structure (the “house”), a meso-structure (slab/pan/seat) and a
sub-structure. For each of these categories the solution may apply. As part of
the competition, technical designs, instrumentation, graphic presentation and
bill of quantities of different solutions will be part of the competition
package. We are looking for ‘cost reduction in sanitation’ in one or more of
the three following elements: (1) Super-structure; (2) Meso-structure; (3)
Whatare our preferred onsite sanitation systems?FINISH Mondial has selected several sanitationtechnologies. FM focuses and widely implements the following three onsite
sanitation systems. Fordetailed information, please see Annex 1 on procedures/guidelines and Annex 2 on point to consider .
  1. A detailed design that best explains your ideas. This could be in the form
    of technical drawings, 3D virtual models, sketches presented in the form
    of jpg, pdf, jpgs, mov or other widely used format. Please save the file
    under the name “Last Name_Design_Sanitation Challenge 2020”
  2. A detailed calculation of the cost saved. Please save the file under the
    name “Last Name_Cost_Sanitation Challenge 2020”
  3. The list of assumptions – of location, whom it is meant for, soil and weather
    conditions. Please save the file under the name “Last Name_Assumptions_Sanitation Challenge 2020”
  4. Send files to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or submit your solution here!
  1. Cost reduction in material use, including use of cheap but quality materials
  2. Cost reduction in terms of less wastage
  3. Cost reduction in terms of less number of people engaged (Time or absolute
  4. Speed (time) of construction that lead to reduction of cost
  5. Simplicity of construction /installation of (part of) a sanitation system
  6. Consideration of sludge management (such as simplicity of emptying, onsite treatment
  7. Climate elements (water usage and carbon footprint of materials used)
  8. Suitability for the environment and context it is designed for
  9. Amenability to local modifications
  10. Aesthetics and appeal
  1. First prize : € 3,000 + actual implementation of your solution in one of
    the FINISH Mondial countries (other than the country you have first worked
    out the solution).
  2. Second prize : € 2,000
  3. Third prize : € 1,000
The Judges
A first selection and evaluationwill be made by the Technical working group under FINISH Mondial. From the
solutions presented they will make a shortlist of 5 – 8 solutions. The
shortlist will then be passed on to international jury comprising of specialists
in the sanitation field.
Inquiries: If you have any questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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  • Fadli
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Re: FINISH Mondial Sanitation Challenge Contest 2020

Dear Charlotte,

You are welcome.
Please kindly help us to share this opportunity within your network.
It would be really helpful to reach the actor in the field.
If you have any questions, please let me know.


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Re: FINISH Mondial Sanitation Challenge Contest 2020

Dear Fadli,

Thank you for this post. I hope people come out and apply. Especially in these time of COVID-19, any idea that could be timely and also aim to reduce costs in sanitation would be most welcome.
Charlotte Mong'ina Maua
Water and Sanitation Consultant

M +254 (0) 723 571 463
E This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
L: Nairobi, Kenya
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  • Fadli
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FINISH Mondial Sanitation Challenge Contest 2020

Seeking Innovators:

FINISH Mondial Sanitation Challenge Contest is seeking innovators!
We are organizing a sanitation contest, challenging innovators to come up with ways to further reduce the costs of sanitation systems. This contest is based on the premise that amongst other factors, lack of sanitation coverage (in rural populations of developing countries), is largely due to lack of innovation on cost reductions, which make them more accessible to the masses. We invite you to rise to the challenge and propose an ‘innovation’ in one or more of the components of an onsite sanitation system.

Why this sanitation challenge?
This contest is based on one of the key fundamentals of the FINISH programme, that is the need to reduce the cost of sanitation systems.  The design is targeted to incrementally lower the cost of sanitation systems. We are NOT looking for big technology breakthroughs, but small improvements in existing designs that can reduce the cost of construction of a sanitation system or at the same cost improve its usefulness and client satisfaction. 

What are we looking for? 
A sanitation system comprises a superstructure (the “house”), a mesostructure (slab/pan/seat) and a substructure. For each of these categories the solution may apply. As part of the competition, technical designs, instrumentation, graphic presentation and bill of quantities of different solutions will be part of the competition package.   We are looking for ‘cost reduction in sanitation’ in one or more of the three following elements:  Superstructure, Mesostructure, Substructure
1. First prize € 3,000 + actual implementation of your solution in one of the FINISH Mondial countries (other than the country you have first worked out the solution).  
2. Second prize: € 2,000 
3. Third prize: € 1,000

Check out our website ( and the call attached here for details for applying!
Deadline for submissions is  5 June 2020.

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