(Revised) Questionnaire on Inclusive WASH in schools in low income countries


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Re: Questionnaire on accessibility of WASH in schools in low income countries

Dear WASH in school colleagues,

This is a cross-posting which I initially created a topic under "inclusion and disability" last year with survey questionnaire on inclusive WASH in school for my study with Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC) of Loughborough University and I just posted revised questionnaire based on comments and suggestions received.

If you are involved in WASH in school (WinS) programme implementation and actively consider accessibility of programme/facility for disabled children, I would like to have your inputs regarding the approach and progress made so far through the survey link below.


Thank you very much for your time in advance and look forward to receiving your feedback!
(Please let me know if you need clarification or have question on any aspect of this study)

Best regards,


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  • darao
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Re: (Rivised) Questionnaire on Inclusive WASH in schools in low income countries

Dear colleagues,

Thank you all for you inputs on questionnaire that I developed last year and based on advices and suggestions, I revised the questions with more focus on current status of WASH sector and progress made.
If you are involved in WASH in school (WinS) programme implementation and actively consider accessibility of programme/facility for disabled school children, I would love to have your inputs through the survey link below based on your knowledge and experiences.


Thank you very much again in advance and look forward to receiving your feedback soon.
(Please let me know if you need clarification or have question on any aspect of this study)

Best regards,


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Re: Questionnaire on Inclusive WASH in schools in low income countries

Dear Mugahl,
thank you for sharing the Fit for School files. However they are not the lastest documents and thus out-dated. Please check this latest manual called "school community manual" www.susana.org/en/resources/library/details/1513.

Once I am getting infos on the inclusion approach of Fit for School I will post again.

Best regards,
GIZ Uganda
Enhanced Water Security and Sanitation (ENWASS)
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Re: Questionnaire on Inclusive WASH in schools in low income countries

Dear Mughal,

thank you very much for sharing the link and documents.
"Fit for school" provide good example to understand current progress, approach and practice of school hygiene as part of collaborative effort to improve all health related practices of school children.
It will be very interesting when " Future collaboration with the water and sanitation sector is expected to result in improved sanitation facilities and further community development". happens with consideration of participation of children disabilities.
Yes, we have a long way to go!



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  • F H Mughal
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Re: Questionnaire on Inclusive WASH in schools in low income countries

Dear Elisabeth,

While the attached documents may not answer your point, I found them interesting. Please add them to the SuSanA library, if possible. Most are co-sponsored by GTZ!

F H Mughal
F H Mughal (Mr.)
Karachi, Pakistan

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Re: Questionnaire on Inclusive WASH in schools in low income countries

Dear Mughal,

Sorry, with "highly pregnant" I meant women towards the end of their pregnancy. When the belly gets so huge that you feel like a whale (i.e. 8th and 9th month of pregnancy)...

The Fit for Schools program that you mentioned is awesome. We also had it on the forum here:
It is one of the very few examples of something that has really gone to scale - because the government agencies took it on board!

However, they do not emphasise particularly on inclusion aspects, as far as I know? If they do, please point me towards one of their releveant publications?

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
Located in Ulm, Germany
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Re: Questionnaire on Inclusive WASH in schools in low income countries

Dear Daisuke,

Please visit: www.fitforschool.ph for some useful information.

In addition, the attached publications should also help you.


F H Mughal

PS: Elisabeth: What do you mean by "highly pregnant?"
F H Mughal (Mr.)
Karachi, Pakistan

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Re: Questionnaire on Inclusive WASH in schools in low income countries

Dear Elisabeth,

Thank you very much for your comment and give me an opportunity to provide some background!
although the questions are more relevant for people directly involved in the implementation, any comment and inputs on your knowledge on approach, challenge and lessons learned on relevant activity are most welcome and will be useful for me. (maybe I should edit the instruction to be also relevant for colleagues with wider range of experience and the way of involvement in WASH...)

Through this study I would like to understand the current practice of WASH sector with reference to the current knowledge and recommendations found in relevant publications and literatures, which suggest that the coordinated multispectral community-based interventions as the key strategy to support progress of inclusive WASH at school level.

The activities described under Q13 were developed based on following documents and presented as example of activities that are theoretically essential to ensure progress:

(1) “Essential steps in managing water, sanitation and hygiene standards in schools at national, district and local level” from WHO publication “Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Standards for Schools in Low-cost Settings”.

(2) “The seven key components of accessibility projects” from Handicap International’s publication “Accessibility – how to design and promote an environmental accessible to all?”

any comments or suggestions for clarify and for improvement of this questionnaire are very welcome.
and, thank you very much for sharing your publications, I will go through it!

best regards,

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Re: Questionnaire on Inclusive WASH in schools in low income countries

Dear Daisuke,

I was going to take your survey because I like to support people with their surveys (have you taken our survey yet about the forum? Just click on the marquee banner button at the top of the forum - thanks), but then I realised your target group for respondents is:

This questionnaire was prepared for the field officers involved in planning, implementation and monitoring of inclusive WASH in School programme in low-income countries.

I don't fit that description so won't take your survey. But your questions sounds really interesting and I hope you will get many responses and share your results with us afterwards.

Maybe you could already now tell us more about your research hyphothesis?

I don't know if you have already browsed the SuSanA library for your literature review but we have 10 documents that come up when putting "disability" in the search field:

One of them is mine which I am still proud of, it's a little factsheet that I did together with a colleague while at GIZ which stresses e.g. that UDDTs could be an interesting technology for people with disabilities as it can be integrated in the house (unlike pit latrines):

von Münch, E., Düring, I. (2011). Making sustainable sanitation inclusive for persons with disabilities - Factsheet. Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany

If you have any comments on this factsheet, I would be keen to hear it. Likewise if there are important documents on WASH and disability missing in the SuSanA library, please bring them to our attention so that they can be included.

It's a very important topic. Almost all of us will be "disabled" at least for a period of our lives, e.g. through injury or disease, when we reach old age, for women: when we are highly pregnant etc.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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(Revised) Questionnaire on Inclusive WASH in schools in low income countries

Dear inclusive WASH in school colleagues,

I am a student studying at Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC) of Loughborough University, and am currently working on a research study on inclusive WASH in schools with focus to understand current best practice and lessons learned.
I am writing to you who have experience in managing WASH in school with inclusive focus to seek your advice if you can share your experience through responding the questionnaire that I prepared (link below), or share contact of person who may be able to assist me on this.

www.surveymonkey.com/s/3HGBFL7 (now closed, please find revised one on my lastest post at the end of this thread. thank you : Edited on 9th Nov 2015)

The focus is to understand available practice and extent of stakeholder involvement by activity phase.
there is no need at all to answer all questions, you may find many of question not relevant to your experience, then please just skip all and try to answer the one relevant to you.
It would be great to know your experience and would also appreciate if you could comment on the survey itself.
I thank you very much in advance and looking forward to hearing from you.


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