Introducing Sindhi Adhikar Manch Association from India: A new partner organisation of SuSanA


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Re: Introducing Sindhi Adhikar Manch Association from India: A new partner organisation of SuSanA

Welcome to the group.
SATO will be happy to help you out in your work to build safe sanitation. We have certain patented technology for TPPF latrine systems suitable for India.
Do let me know your contact detail or mail I'd too connect.

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Re: Introducing Sindhi Adhikar Manch Association from India: A new partner organisation of SuSanA


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Introducing Sindhi Adhikar Manch Association from India: A new partner organisation of SuSanA

We would like to welcome Sindhi Adhikar Manch Association (SAMA)
from India as a new SuSanA partner organisation!

The following text is taken from their application form and was written by the partner organisation themselves.

Description and Activities in Sustainable Sanitation:
Sindhi Adhikar Manch Association was registered as an NGO in 2012 . Our has been recognised by Social & Economic Council United Nations, New York, USA. It obtained a ‘Special Consultative Status’ in 2016 from United Nations, USA.

1. Clean Nation & Sustainable Sanitation
2. Advocacy with Government of India
3. Women Empowerment
4. Protection of Environment
5. Organ Donation
6. Promotion of Yoga

Around 1.2 billion or a sixth of the Earth's human population lives in India and about half of this billion defecates in the open.
After Government of India declared Swatch Bharat mission, we are actively working in villages in field of sanitation . We are promoting public limited companies to build toilets in their CSR activities.

Nothing could perhaps be a more befitting tribute to our Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhiji, than to ensure a Swachh Bharat or Clean India by 2019, when the nation marks his 150th birth anniversary.

Contact person:
Gobind Gurbani


[Posted by Aloka]
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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