bioremedation in wastewater treatment


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Re: bioremedation in waste watertreatment


Just read about your question about Bio Remedion in WasteWater treatment.

Our Company MPowerWorld has a Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) technology which treats all kinds of organic waste and converts it to clean water and free electricity.

In fact we have just had an enquiry from Iran following the recent Water/Waste Trade show.

Happy to send you fullest info if you are still interested.

Jack Mc Laughlin Director MPowerWorld

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  • fppirco
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Re: bioremedation in waste watertreatment

Dear Evelyn

Thank you so much for your kindly attention and assistance ,I still follow bioremedation
in waste water treatment particular wetland construction in various scales ,I also hope I can find practical and pragmatic training opportunity in Germany ,Switzerland .., particular after new recent visiting Germany Foreign Minster Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier of Iran and his emphasize for cooperation in large Iran water sectors in both research offering training grants to students and water practitioners , technical issues (Technical know How?) and joint investments .

I serious follow your invaluable information and links and thank you again for kindly assistance.

With best regards

Mohammad Mojtabaei
P.O Box:91865-358
Researcher and consultant

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Re: bioremedation in waste watertreatment

Dear Mohammad Mojtabaei,

This question has been for a long time in our forum, however, it is always worth to know the answer and Olmo Giovanni (humanitarian waste consultant currently working for Disaster Waste Recovery - DWR) helped us with that via knowledge point.

"If the interest is bioremediation in the sense of removing specific contaminants, Kansas State University produced a very extensive database covering 120 contaminants and over 1000 plants.

Alternatively, US EPA is currently testing several bioremediation techniques in various sites in America; the full list is available here, and should include also surface water bodies.

If, as I would assume, bioremediation means phytodepuration of ordinary grey and black water, there are many companies installing small phytodepuration systems (for one to several housholds).

Bigger treatment sites (e.g. city wide) are still uncommon, but France is leading the way with many villages and small cities switching from traditional to "green" wastewater treatment plants.

Suez subsidiary Lyonnaise des Eaux has inaugurated what looks the biggest treatment plant in the country, named "Zone Libellule" (Dragonfly Zone). The system complements it's traditional wastewater treatment station in Lyon, specifically targeting hard to remove pollutants. Below are a description of the project (in French) and the site of the company (still in French only, I'm afraid)"

Evelyn, on behalf of the SuSanA secretariat.
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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  • fppirco
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bioremedation in wastewater treatment


First of all ,I wish happiness and sucess for all of you and family in 2013.

I wuold like know any one in Susan Forum has experinces about bioremeation and waste water treatment and its application in santation in greywater and blackwater as well as.

It will be appericiate forward or linking me to any person or oragainsation.

Happy new year again.

Mohammad Mojtabaei
Fanavar Pajoahesh Pooya FPPIRCO
p.o Box:91865-358
Researcher and consultant

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