Who was the inventor of the service chain graphic?


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Re: Inventor of the service chain graphic

Hi Nasir,

I don't understand your post. The definition of sanitation hasn't changed. Check for example on Wikipedia here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanitation

Sanitation is pretty broad and includes excreta management, greywater management, solid waste management and drainage. It can be onsite, offsite with sewers, or a combination of the two.

That sanitation service chain graphic that was mentioned in this thread shows steps required along the "chain" from production of excreta to the end disposal or reuse. It is an improvement compared to earlier thinking that equated sanitation with only toilets. Now we think also of the transport and treatment steps. But it's only a graphic to help in the discussion, not a complete framework. Of course sanitation systems could also include sewers and treatment, rather than the "empty & transport" steps that you need in faecal sludge management.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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Re: Inventor of the service chain graphic

Literature defining Sanitation value chain has been totally changed. Now, every literature and the online platform even all international organizations advocate for the same definition of sanitation: Capture--- containment---- empty. & transport ---- treatment and disposal

However, the definition of sanitation previously covered a broad framework, now, it is being narrowly defined, presented and mental model being created around FSM.

Sanitation now not being defined as : Capture --- Conveyance (sewer network) ---- treatment and disposal

Why is this happening so?

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Re: Inventor of the service chain graphic

Thank you Arno :)
Paresh Chhajed-Picha
Researcher at Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, India
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Re: Inventor of the service chain graphic

Hi Paresh
This is a good question. I believe the first major publication describing the various linked components of the sanitation value/service chain was the so-called "Compendium" produced by EAWAG in 2008. A second revised edition came out in 2014.
To be found here: www.eawag.ch/en/department/sandec/publications/compendium/

Indeed the diagram was popularized by the Gates Foundation Re-invent the Toilet Challenge

and the FSM conferences www.fsm4.susana.org/

Arno Rosemarin PhD
Stockholm Environment Institute
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Inventor of the service chain graphic

Dear All
The service chain graphic attached herewith is ubiquitous; it features in most presentations and some publications related to sanitation and FSM in particular. However, I have seen it cited differently in these presentations.

Was wondering who really invented it and where was it first used?

Paresh Chhajed-Picha
Researcher at Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, India
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Wikipedia: Sparsh85

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