A streetlamp in Britain that’s powered by dog poop (and other cute innovations)


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  • F H Mughal
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Re: Power of Dog’s Poop

Dear Ms. Cecile,

I had a look at both the websites, you mentioned. They look interesting, but as you said, they are in French. I wish I could read French!!

It is a bit surprising that in Egypt, you have workshop on climate innovations. Seems like Egypt is catching up on climate change scene. I can understand the gaps, you refer to.

Your posts are interesting to read!

Kind regards,
F H Mughal
F H Mughal (Mr.)
Karachi, Pakistan

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Re: Power of Dog’s Poop

Dear M. Mughal,

The French company ecosec (www.ecosec.fr) has designed and developped several innovations of this type, some of them requiring subtantial R&D and capital investment such as public toilets producing struvite or reusing urine to fertilise vegetated walls and others which are really simple (such as adapting a urinal to the rain collection pipes from the roof when there is a unitary network) (ecosec.fr/produit/). The website is in French but the visuals are often quite self explanatory.
If I come across other innovations I will post them on this thread.

Actually it is quite interesting as it probably points out that more links are needed between inventors and business developers.
I actually attended a workshop on climate innovations yesterday in Egypt and I could see the same time of shortcomings: young, skilled and enthousiastic start ups coming with brilliant ideas but with clear gaps in business development.

Best regards,

Cécile Laborderie
MAKATI Environnement

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  • F H Mughal
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Re: Power of Dog’s Poop

Dear Ms. Cecile,

Thank you for your post. The 2 innovations mentioned by you are interesting.

You are right - they do not go to scale, and your reasons make sense.

Can you point out more such "cute" innovations, please?

Kind regards,
F H Mughal
F H Mughal (Mr.)
Karachi, Pakistan

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Re: Power of Dog’s Poop

Dear Mughal,

Thank you for highlighting this article. Once in a while I also come across interesting innovations as the street lamps powered by dog's poop that you pointed out.
For example, there is the uritrottoir in France, which combines a waterless urinal and flower beds in public areas :

And the urinals in recycling bins in Portland:

However I never see these innovations going to scale. I imagine that the reasons are that they are not cost-effective, they require maintenance and they face reluctance from municipal employees?

Best regards,
Cécile Laborderie
MAKATI Environnement

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  • F H Mughal
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Power of Dog’s Poop

Power of Dog’s Poop

I came across some interesting headlines news. In Britain, some streetlamps are powered by dog’s poop. This keeps the streets clean and illuminated.

Dog walkers in Malvern Hills, Worcestershire, are provided free compostable bags and given directions to put their dog’s excrement into a hatch to an anaerobic digester next to the lamp.
Ten bags can power the lamp for two hours after dusk, when walkers are returning from the hills to a road west of Malvern.

I’m not sure, whether this innovative job, is creating unhygienic conditions, and inviting flies, around the lamp posts. Nevertheless, this provides free power for streetlamps.

F H Mughal
F H Mughal (Mr.)
Karachi, Pakistan
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