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Requesting for partnership (NGO working in Kenya)
Re: Share our work in kenya
Hi Sima,
first all of all I wish to felicitate you and your organization for the great work you are doing, concerning WASH programs and campaigns.
We have been observing your proven business as well social models and the way you promote long-term solutions for the most needed people; we have learn a lot.
Thank you for that.
On our side, we have designed an integrated utility machine that desalinates and purifies water (regardless the source of pollution), provides free electricity and allows Internet connectivity by exclusively harvesting solar energy. All in one simple solution: Watly
The dominant assumption is that the poor cannot have access to advanced technology, because it’s costly, difficult to use and delicate.
This assumption is wrong in many aspects and we can prove it by illustrating the main features of Watly:
1. In the L version Watly could provide about 1000 litres per day of safe water, electricity of about 20kw per day; equipped with hardware for Internet connection, refrigeration, sterile chamber, 3D printing, PC, camera and other features.
2. We do not need an expert to run Watly since there are only two simple instructions to follow: add dirty water and take out clean water. There is not even a start button to press. This simplicity makes the system safe to operate with no room for human error or mishaps.
3. Watly initial investment spread over its entire lifespan, equals to an operational cost of less than 1€ a day. Watly does not need electricity or fuel to provide its services.
4. Watly is also a communication devices capable of collecting and sending data to Internet and to any other unit of Watly. It helps people to connect with them and run their own business any time, anywhere.
We have obtained water quality certifications from accredited laboratories.
We have also applied for international patent on technology and design.
We have passed the risk assessment of the Philips Innovation.
This is the link to the Product brochure watly.co/product
I am writing to you because I would like to candidate our tech as provider for an ambitious WASH funding campaign. We are looking for a Field Partner to set up an adequate campaign; an active organization able to understand the potentials of advanced technology which Watly can offer and with the necessary expertise to define the target and areas that our solutions can deliver. Our technology can be successfully installed in any remote geographical areas and is ideal for BOP communities lacking of access to water and electricity.
In Watly, we believe that helping people is about the gradual improvement of life for the world’s poorest, living at the Bottom of the Pyramid. We wish with all hour hearts to join those social entrepreneurs, who set goals on hitting the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit), have been challenging global poverty head on and have succeeded in many cases.
What we do can change the world for a moment.
Why we do can change the world, possibly for ever.
We are a Why company.
For further information please don't hesitate to contact with me.
Maurizio Ugo Tiberto
Communicatio Strategist
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mobile: +34 664 11 95 59
Skype: maurizio.tiberto
Website: www.watly.co
first all of all I wish to felicitate you and your organization for the great work you are doing, concerning WASH programs and campaigns.
We have been observing your proven business as well social models and the way you promote long-term solutions for the most needed people; we have learn a lot.
Thank you for that.
On our side, we have designed an integrated utility machine that desalinates and purifies water (regardless the source of pollution), provides free electricity and allows Internet connectivity by exclusively harvesting solar energy. All in one simple solution: Watly
The dominant assumption is that the poor cannot have access to advanced technology, because it’s costly, difficult to use and delicate.
This assumption is wrong in many aspects and we can prove it by illustrating the main features of Watly:
1. In the L version Watly could provide about 1000 litres per day of safe water, electricity of about 20kw per day; equipped with hardware for Internet connection, refrigeration, sterile chamber, 3D printing, PC, camera and other features.
2. We do not need an expert to run Watly since there are only two simple instructions to follow: add dirty water and take out clean water. There is not even a start button to press. This simplicity makes the system safe to operate with no room for human error or mishaps.
3. Watly initial investment spread over its entire lifespan, equals to an operational cost of less than 1€ a day. Watly does not need electricity or fuel to provide its services.
4. Watly is also a communication devices capable of collecting and sending data to Internet and to any other unit of Watly. It helps people to connect with them and run their own business any time, anywhere.
We have obtained water quality certifications from accredited laboratories.
We have also applied for international patent on technology and design.
We have passed the risk assessment of the Philips Innovation.
This is the link to the Product brochure watly.co/product
I am writing to you because I would like to candidate our tech as provider for an ambitious WASH funding campaign. We are looking for a Field Partner to set up an adequate campaign; an active organization able to understand the potentials of advanced technology which Watly can offer and with the necessary expertise to define the target and areas that our solutions can deliver. Our technology can be successfully installed in any remote geographical areas and is ideal for BOP communities lacking of access to water and electricity.
In Watly, we believe that helping people is about the gradual improvement of life for the world’s poorest, living at the Bottom of the Pyramid. We wish with all hour hearts to join those social entrepreneurs, who set goals on hitting the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit), have been challenging global poverty head on and have succeeded in many cases.
What we do can change the world for a moment.
Why we do can change the world, possibly for ever.
We are a Why company.
For further information please don't hesitate to contact with me.
Maurizio Ugo Tiberto
Communicatio Strategist
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mobile: +34 664 11 95 59
Skype: maurizio.tiberto
Website: www.watly.co
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You need to login to reply- simasikulu
Topic AuthorLess
- Posts: 3
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Re: Share our work in kenya
Sima Community Based Organization is among of faith based organization and we are doing voluntary services in the community at grassroots level. We registered on 1994 as community based as non profit making organization. We are totally members 39 and we serve or target groups e.g. women, youth’s, schools and churches and community as all.
Our aim was to achieve better for all by the year 2015 by investing in primary health care programmes through provision of health facilities, construction of ventilated improved pit latrines, training of traditional birth attendants and training of community health workers.
Sima CBO focus on four key themes and five priority activities. And raise the commitment of political and social leaders to achieving these goals (of making water, sanitation and hygiene a reality for all) and affecting the necessary behavioural changes through various information and communication channels, using traditional and mass media, hygiene promotion in schools, training and building local capacity in communications and improving networking and research.
Hygiene promotion
Environmental sanitation
Institutional and management reform
Community-based approaches
Advocacy and mobilization
Working with partners
Dissemination of knowledge and best practice.
Water and sanitation are key areas of concern. Our majority communities at grassroots do not have access to safe and affordable water supply and inadequate sanitation. Large communities of those who do not have access to these basic necessities belong to the poorest areas of society in rural areas.
This crisis in water and sanitation has a catastrophic impact on many aspects of life for the poor;
Health: more than 500 in our region, most of them children die each year from diseases associated with lack of access to safe drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene.
Education: poor sanitation in schools affects attendance rates, particularly of girls
Women: it is estimated that over 150, 000 person-years are spent by women and female children carrying water from distant sources every year.
Economics: national economies are weakened by the need to spend significant funds on health care and medicines, while many working days are lost to ill-health resulting from poor water and inadequate sanitation.
Health and Hygiene
The district has one district hospital and other health centres at Saboti, Kiminini, and Sikhendu. Tha Saboti health centre is currently been upgrade to the status of a district hospital. There are other health posts at Tulwet, Kisawai, and Machewa the socio-economic survey, 50.7% use hospitals, 24% use health centres, 16.2% use traditional healers, with 8.4% and 0.6% using clinics and health posts respectively.
The prevalent disease in the district is malaria, accounting for 60% of OPD records. This is followed by upper respiratory infections. Other endemic diseases in the district include schistosomiasis, guinea worm, onchocerciasis yaws and buruli ulcer. Immunization coverage of this district currently stands at 60%.
Hygiene education is usually carried out in schools and at the community level by community health workers of the Sima Community Based Organization. Women who attend antenatal and postnatal clinics also benefit from hygiene education offered by mid wives. Hygiene education lessons available to women include proper house keeping, hygienic cooking methods, the relationship between sanitation and diseases and many others. Water and Sanitation Committees under the District Community Water and Sanitation Programme (CWSP) also carry out hygiene education.
School hygiene education lessons focus on cleanliness, environment and sanitation, the relationship between diseases and sanitation.
This is what we are doing in the communities at grassroots we serve more population 345, 650.
Thank you in advance
Pastor Johnstone Sikulu Wanjala
Programme coordinator
Sima Community Based Organization
PO Box 1691, Kitale
+254 735 754 816
+254 710 140 600
email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. :side:
Our aim was to achieve better for all by the year 2015 by investing in primary health care programmes through provision of health facilities, construction of ventilated improved pit latrines, training of traditional birth attendants and training of community health workers.
Sima CBO focus on four key themes and five priority activities. And raise the commitment of political and social leaders to achieving these goals (of making water, sanitation and hygiene a reality for all) and affecting the necessary behavioural changes through various information and communication channels, using traditional and mass media, hygiene promotion in schools, training and building local capacity in communications and improving networking and research.
Hygiene promotion
Environmental sanitation
Institutional and management reform
Community-based approaches
Advocacy and mobilization
Working with partners
Dissemination of knowledge and best practice.
Water and sanitation are key areas of concern. Our majority communities at grassroots do not have access to safe and affordable water supply and inadequate sanitation. Large communities of those who do not have access to these basic necessities belong to the poorest areas of society in rural areas.
This crisis in water and sanitation has a catastrophic impact on many aspects of life for the poor;
Health: more than 500 in our region, most of them children die each year from diseases associated with lack of access to safe drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene.
Education: poor sanitation in schools affects attendance rates, particularly of girls
Women: it is estimated that over 150, 000 person-years are spent by women and female children carrying water from distant sources every year.
Economics: national economies are weakened by the need to spend significant funds on health care and medicines, while many working days are lost to ill-health resulting from poor water and inadequate sanitation.
Health and Hygiene
The district has one district hospital and other health centres at Saboti, Kiminini, and Sikhendu. Tha Saboti health centre is currently been upgrade to the status of a district hospital. There are other health posts at Tulwet, Kisawai, and Machewa the socio-economic survey, 50.7% use hospitals, 24% use health centres, 16.2% use traditional healers, with 8.4% and 0.6% using clinics and health posts respectively.
The prevalent disease in the district is malaria, accounting for 60% of OPD records. This is followed by upper respiratory infections. Other endemic diseases in the district include schistosomiasis, guinea worm, onchocerciasis yaws and buruli ulcer. Immunization coverage of this district currently stands at 60%.
Hygiene education is usually carried out in schools and at the community level by community health workers of the Sima Community Based Organization. Women who attend antenatal and postnatal clinics also benefit from hygiene education offered by mid wives. Hygiene education lessons available to women include proper house keeping, hygienic cooking methods, the relationship between sanitation and diseases and many others. Water and Sanitation Committees under the District Community Water and Sanitation Programme (CWSP) also carry out hygiene education.
School hygiene education lessons focus on cleanliness, environment and sanitation, the relationship between diseases and sanitation.
This is what we are doing in the communities at grassroots we serve more population 345, 650.
Thank you in advance
Pastor Johnstone Sikulu Wanjala
Programme coordinator
Sima Community Based Organization
PO Box 1691, Kitale
+254 735 754 816
+254 710 140 600
email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. :side:
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You need to login to reply- simasikulu
Topic AuthorLess
- Posts: 3
- Likes received: 1
Requesting for partnership (NGO working in Kenya)
Sima Community Based Organization is among of community based organization and we are doing voluntary services in the community at grassroots level. We registered on 1994 as community based as non profit making organization. We are totally members 39 and we serve or target groups e.g. women, youth’s, schools and churches and community as all.
Our aim was to achieve better for all by the year 2010 by investing in primary health care programmes through provision of health facilities, construction of ventilated improved pit latrines, training of traditional birth attendants and training of community health workers.
Sima CBO focus on four key themes and five priority activities. And raise the commitment of political and social leaders to achieving these goals (of making water, sanitation and hygiene a reality for all) and affecting the necessary behavioural changes through various information and communication channels, using traditional and mass media, hygiene promotion in schools, training and building local capacity in communications and improving networking and research.
Hygiene promotion
Environmental sanitation
Institutional and management reform
Community-based approaches
Advocacy and mobilization
Working with partners
Dissemination of knowledge and best practice.
Water and sanitation are key areas of concern. Our majority communities at grassroots do not have access to safe and affordable water supply and inadequate sanitation. Large communities of those who do not have access to these basic necessities belong to the poorest areas of society in rural areas.
This crisis in water and sanitation has a catastrophic impact on many aspects of life for the poor;
Health: more than 500 in our region, most of them children die each year from diseases associated with lack of access to safe drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene.
Education: poor sanitation in schools affects attendance rates, particularly of girls
Women: it is estimated that over 150, 000 person-years are spent by women and female children carrying water from distant sources every year.
Economics: national economies are weakened by the need to spend significant funds on health care and medicines, while many working days are lost to ill-health resulting from poor water and inadequate sanitation.
Health and Hygiene
The district has one district hospital and other health centres at Saboti, Kiminini, and Sikhendu. Tha Saboti health centre is currently been upgrade to the status of a district hospital. There are other health posts at Tulwet, Kisawai, and Machewa the socio-economic survey, 50.7% use hospitals, 24% use health centres, 16.2% use traditional healers, with 8.4% and 0.6% using clinics and health posts respectively.
The prevalent disease in the district is malaria, accounting for 60% of OPD records. This is followed by upper respiratory infections. Other endemic diseases in the district include schistosomiasis, guinea worm, onchocerciasis yaws and buruli ulcer. Immunization coverage of this district currently stands at 60%.
Hygiene education is usually carried out in schools and at the community level by community health workers of the Sima Community Based Organization. Women who attend antenatal and postnatal clinics also benefit from hygiene education offered by mid wives. Hygiene education lessons available to women include proper house keeping, hygienic cooking methods, the relationship between sanitation and diseases and many others. Water and Sanitation Committees under the District Community Water and Sanitation Programme (CWSP) also carry out hygiene education.
School hygiene education lessons focus on cleanliness, environment and sanitation, the relationship between diseases and sanitation.
This is what we are doing in the communities at grassroots we serve more population 345, 650.
Thank you in advance
Pastor Johnstone Sikulu Wanjala
Programme coordinator
Sima Community Based Organization
PO Box 1691, Kitale
email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our aim was to achieve better for all by the year 2010 by investing in primary health care programmes through provision of health facilities, construction of ventilated improved pit latrines, training of traditional birth attendants and training of community health workers.
Sima CBO focus on four key themes and five priority activities. And raise the commitment of political and social leaders to achieving these goals (of making water, sanitation and hygiene a reality for all) and affecting the necessary behavioural changes through various information and communication channels, using traditional and mass media, hygiene promotion in schools, training and building local capacity in communications and improving networking and research.
Hygiene promotion
Environmental sanitation
Institutional and management reform
Community-based approaches
Advocacy and mobilization
Working with partners
Dissemination of knowledge and best practice.
Water and sanitation are key areas of concern. Our majority communities at grassroots do not have access to safe and affordable water supply and inadequate sanitation. Large communities of those who do not have access to these basic necessities belong to the poorest areas of society in rural areas.
This crisis in water and sanitation has a catastrophic impact on many aspects of life for the poor;
Health: more than 500 in our region, most of them children die each year from diseases associated with lack of access to safe drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene.
Education: poor sanitation in schools affects attendance rates, particularly of girls
Women: it is estimated that over 150, 000 person-years are spent by women and female children carrying water from distant sources every year.
Economics: national economies are weakened by the need to spend significant funds on health care and medicines, while many working days are lost to ill-health resulting from poor water and inadequate sanitation.
Health and Hygiene
The district has one district hospital and other health centres at Saboti, Kiminini, and Sikhendu. Tha Saboti health centre is currently been upgrade to the status of a district hospital. There are other health posts at Tulwet, Kisawai, and Machewa the socio-economic survey, 50.7% use hospitals, 24% use health centres, 16.2% use traditional healers, with 8.4% and 0.6% using clinics and health posts respectively.
The prevalent disease in the district is malaria, accounting for 60% of OPD records. This is followed by upper respiratory infections. Other endemic diseases in the district include schistosomiasis, guinea worm, onchocerciasis yaws and buruli ulcer. Immunization coverage of this district currently stands at 60%.
Hygiene education is usually carried out in schools and at the community level by community health workers of the Sima Community Based Organization. Women who attend antenatal and postnatal clinics also benefit from hygiene education offered by mid wives. Hygiene education lessons available to women include proper house keeping, hygienic cooking methods, the relationship between sanitation and diseases and many others. Water and Sanitation Committees under the District Community Water and Sanitation Programme (CWSP) also carry out hygiene education.
School hygiene education lessons focus on cleanliness, environment and sanitation, the relationship between diseases and sanitation.
This is what we are doing in the communities at grassroots we serve more population 345, 650.
Thank you in advance
Pastor Johnstone Sikulu Wanjala
Programme coordinator
Sima Community Based Organization
PO Box 1691, Kitale
email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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