Sanivation (Kenya) sharing lessons learned on sanitation as a service - on live youtube stream - recording available


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Re: Sanivation (Kenya) sharing lessons learned on sanitation as a service

From time to time we hear about Sanivation's work in Kenya. It's always interesting and innovative work so I thought it could be useful to continue this thread with an update about their work. They gave a presentation at the FSM5 Conference in February:

Public-private partnership to achieve safely managed sanitation: NAIVAWASS & Sanivation
by Andrew Foote CEO, Co-founder and Eng. Festus Ng’eno, CEC for Water, Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources

They also had a joint publication with UNHCR last year:

Container-based Toilets with Solid Fuel Briquettes Guidelines
May 16, 2018

Publisher: Sanivation / UNHCR
Authors: Diego Hakspiel, Andrew Foote and Julian Parker
Year: 2018

These Best Practice Guidelines were developed by Sanivation, a private sanitation company based in Kenya under UNHCR’s “Waste to Value” Project, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Guidelines are based on ongoing operational research in Kakuma Refugee Camp in partnership with UNHCR and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), and will be update at the end of the Project in 2019.

Maybe the publication answers some of the questions that Hajo had raised in his post prior to mine (I haven't checked yet).


Older threads about Sanivation are here:
Solar Sanitation for Fecal Sludge Management (Sanivation) - pilot in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya

It's interesting to see how things have developed with Sanivation and how patient and persistent the staff at Sanivation has been.
Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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  • hajo
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Re: Sanivation (Kenya) sharing lessons learned on sanitation as a service

Hi Tyler,

thanks for responding... but could you possibly make the 'right person' posting on the forum... I feel if you use the forum to advertise the sales of the 'stinkiest stockings' you may as well answer on the forum questions how you produce the coal in the stockings... or?

1 your process is not pyrolysis producing bio-char? I guess the temperatures are not high enough, or?
2 what is the throughput of the installation? Probably depends on the size and the achievable temperatures?
3 can you imagine the technology being used on a commercial basis, i.e. where 50-100m3 of FS have to be processed daily?
4 what do you do when the sun does not shine for days? any stand-by heating system?
5 what is the current status of your developments? where can the working system be viewed?

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Re: Sanivation's Santa's Stinkiest Stocking - Sending Coal for a Cause for the Holidays

Hi Hajo,

Thanks for reaching out! Feel free to e-mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I can put you in touch with the right person.


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  • hajo
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Re: Sanivation's Santa's Stinkiest Stocking - Sending Coal for a Cause for the Holidays

Hello Tyler,

this is the latest posting of Sanivation which I could trace on the forum - maybe there is a newer one which slipped my search.

Can you please put me in contact with someone who can answer technical questions regarding your solar processing of FS?

My first question is: your process is not pyrolysis producing bio-char? I guess the temperatures are not high enough, or?

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Re: Sanivation's Santa's Stinkiest Stocking - Sending Coal for a Cause for the Holidays

Dear SuSanA Community,

We're Sanivation , a social enterprise transforming feces into fuel in Kenya. This holiday season, we’re launching a campaign called Santa’s Stinkiest Stocking to sell our poop briquettes, urging people to give coal for a cause. We’re taking the “coal in your stocking” tradition to the next level.

If you know someone who deserves to be on Santa's naughty list (your mischievous mates, ornery offspring, and fiesty family), this is the perfect gift for them! We will send a stocking with our safe coal-made-from-poop with a personalized note explaining why they are getting this gift to their doorstep.

We believe this campaign has the potential to educate thousands of people on the importance of sanitation in developing countries and to help us raise funds to do something about it. We will install 500 toilets in the coming year and this campaign will help get us there.

Support us by sending coal for a cause here !

Feel free to contact me with any questions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kind Regards,
Tyler Karahalios

PS. Unfortunately, we can only send Santa's Stinkiest Stocking within the United States.

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Sanivation (Kenya) sharing lessons learned on sanitation as a service - on live youtube stream - recording available

Note by moderator: A previous thread about Sanivation was here:


On Thursday, May 14, 2015 from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT, Emily Woods and I are going to share some of the items we've been learning via a live youtube stream including:

1. Sanitation as service and how we got here
2. Household toilets (suprising tid bit, people want one)
3. Poop and it's ingredients
4. The opportunities we see for social businesses in sanitation

We hope you'll join us and ask some tough questions.

Register via this link

and watch us on youtube here

See you on the web,
Andrew Foote

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