The 7th Africa Sanitation and Hygiene Conference (AfricaSan7); 5th-11th November, 2023


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  • Marine Chief Engineer by profession (1971- present) and at present Faculty in Marine Engg. Deptt. Vels University, Chennai, India. Also proficient in giving Environmental solutions , Designation- Prof. Ajit Seshadri, Head- Environment, The Vigyan Vijay Foundation, NGO, New Delhi, INDIA , Consultant located at present at Chennai, India
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Re: AfricaSan7: How will we hold our leaders accountable for Africa’s commitments on sanitation and hygiene? - Sareen Malik, Executive Secretary at African Civil Society Network on Water (ANEW)

Dear SuSanA Members :

Greetings to All.

We need to keep our objectives simple and few-words :
1. Quality of experience in Toilets or others need to be Feel -Good always.

2. Safety and security abled clean and  hygienic centric
Sanitation to be experienced
in communities. 

3. Even when toilets are not available,  OD when done, needs to be maintained well

4. Both FS Fecal Sludge and reuse water and gas need to be used, Toilets need to create income generation even in small way. 

5. When all above done SDGs met with, EPI level upgraded. In Nstionsl and local level GoI rules are complied with.

Well wishes for success !
Prof Ajit Seshadri 
Prof. Ajit Seshadri, Faculty in Marine Engg. Deptt. Vels University, and
Head-Environment , VigyanVijay Foundation, Consultant (Water shed Mngmnt, WWT, WASH, others)Located at present at Chennai, India

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Re: The 7th Africa Sanitation and Hygiene Conference (AfricaSan7); 5th-11th November, 2023

A Successful SuSanA Meeting at AfricaSan7

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all our members, both existing and new, for their active participation in the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) Meeting during the AfricaSan7 conference on Wednesday, November 8th. This session proved to be a valuable occasion that:

🌐 Introduced SuSanA and its Africa Chapter to new members, fostering a sense of inclusion and community.
🤝 Facilitated an engaging discussion on the strategic direction of SuSanA and the SuSanA Africa Chapter for the forthcoming years, encouraging collaborative planning and foresight.
💡 Brainstormed potential activities, driven by the motivation and interests of our esteemed members, laying the groundwork for future impactful initiatives.

The discussions also provided a platform to share recent collaborations that SuSanA has been actively involved in, notably the ground breaking OVERDUE Just Sanitation 4AfricanCities initiative and the Knowledge Management Engagement Plan with the ( African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) .

As we reflect on the success of this meeting, we welcome collaborative opportunities with partner organisations at upcoming sector events to connect, engage, and share insights with individuals and partner organizations and the larger sanitation sector. Furthermore, we extend an invitation for continued vibrant discussions on the SuSanA forum.

SuSanA Forum Moderator
Skat Foundation (With financial support by GIZ and SIRWASH up to November 2023)

Chaiwe Mushauko-Sanderse BSc. NRM, MPH
Independent consultant located in Lusaka, Zambia
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Twitter: @ChaiweSanderse

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Re: The 7th Africa Sanitation and Hygiene Conference (AfricaSan7); 5th-11th November, 2023

📅 Date: 10th November 2023
🕰️ Time: 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM

🎉 The closing ceremony of the African Ministerial Council on Water (AMCOW) AfricaSan7 conference is underway! 🌍 Join us virtually for this significant event, streaming live on the African Water and Sanitation Association (AfWASA) Facebook page. 🖱️ Click the link to tune in and be part of the experience:

The conference has seen over 25 Ministers and Ministerial representatives from across Africa and over 700 water and sanitation practitioners and related sectors participate and engage in deliberations that will feed into the Swakopmund declaration on water and sanitation. 
SuSanA Forum Moderator
Skat Foundation (With financial support by GIZ and SIRWASH up to November 2023)

Chaiwe Mushauko-Sanderse BSc. NRM, MPH
Independent consultant located in Lusaka, Zambia
Emails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Twitter: @ChaiweSanderse

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Re: The 7th Africa Sanitation and Hygiene Conference (AfricaSan7); 5th-11th November, 2023

✨ SuSanA Meeting at AfricaSan7 

🌍 Join us for a SuSanA Meeting on Wednesday, November 8th, at 5:30 PM in Room 1 (ground floor) of the conference venue. Sareen Malik, the coordinator of the SuSanA Africa Chapter, and Chaiwe Sanderse, the co-coordinator and Forum moderator, will be hosting the event and will welcome you with open arms!!

🤝 What to expect:
  • Get (re)introduced to SuSanA and its Africa Chapter.
  • Engage in discussions about the strategic direction of the SuSanA Africa Chapter for the coming years.
  • Brainstorm potential activities, driven by your motivation and interests.
Don't miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and contribute to the future of sanitation and hygiene in Africa!

✨ More info here:

Alexandra Dubois

Technical Advisor
Sector Programme Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Division Climate Change, Environment & Infrastructure

GIZ │Deutsche Gesellschaft für
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Re: The 7th Africa Sanitation and Hygiene Conference (AfricaSan7); 5th-11th November, 2023

Day 1: Africa Sanitation and Hygiene Conference (AfricaSan7)

AfricaSan 7 kicked off today, and we're thrilled to share a glimpse of the exciting developments taking place. Dr. Simeone Kenfack, the Director of Programmes at AfWaSa, delivered an inspiring speech on the crucial topic of "Partnership to Deliver Sanitation Services in Africa." In his address, Dr. Kenfack emphasized the significance of collaboration in transforming sanitation services across the continent. Stay tuned for more insights and updates from this important conference

AMCOW’s Executive Secretary, Rashid Mbaziira, emphasised the Africa Sanitation Conference as a knowledge-sharing platform and stressed the urgency of addressing sanitation to improve livelihoods.

Goodwill messages, Policy, and Technical Discussions 

Various speakers, including Eric Momani from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, discussed several technical issues: the importance of partnerships, government policies, and funding mechanisms to improve sanitation services. The African Development Bank (AfDB) outlined their support and strategic priorities, which align with their high-level goals, including a new sanitation investment initiative. The World Toilet Organisation (WTO), through its founder, Prof. Jack Sim, highlighted the role of the private sector while speaking on the Sanitation Economy and Private Sector Engagement.

Opening Address by Hon Carl Hermann Gustav SchlettweinThe high point of the event was the opening address by Hon Carl Hermann Gustav Schlettwein, the Minister for Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, Republic of Namibia, AWF Governing Council Chairperson, and AMCOW President (2021-2023). The Minister delivered an opening remark with thought-provoking insights that demonstrated the value of water and access to sanitation services beyond money. The profile of water and sanitation was immediately raised in the mind of each participant listening to his remarks.

Regional Insights and Commitments 
Hon. Dr Esther Muinjangue, Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services, Republic of Namibia, set the scene for the Thematic Sessions – speaking on the Strategic Priorities for Sanitation and Hygiene in Namibia. Representatives from various African regions shared their progress and challenges. Senegal showcased its institutional organisation and resource mobilisation for sanitation, while Namibia discussed efforts toward waste reuse and environmental protection. South Africa and Ethiopia shared their approaches to mobilise resources and ensure coordination and leadership in sanitation efforts.

Country Dialogues, Development Partners’ Dialogue Sessions, 
The plenary session with representatives from AfDB, UNICEF, WaterAid, APHRC and AFWASA addressed the critical issues of ageing infrastructure, poor financing, water scarcity, creation and sharing of indigenous knowledge, and climate change. The need for regulation, private sector engagement, and a multisectoral approach was emphasised to achieve sustainable development goals in sanitation.The dialogue sessions summed up the opening day with very insightful sharing of experiences and lessons with case studies of initiatives and solutions to tackle Africa’s sanitation challenges. 

Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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Re: AfricaSan7: How will we hold our leaders accountable for Africa’s commitments on sanitation and hygiene? - Sareen Malik, Executive Secretary at African Civil Society Network on Water (ANEW)

Thank Sareen for your question:
  1. The first thing we need is data from every nation showing the status of sanitation and hygiene interventions. This should be compared with what we had in the last AfricanSan 6. 
  2. During the last AfricaSan 6, there were commitments per country, all these need to be published for all to access the information.
  3. The commitments needed government support in creating an enabling environment, we need evidence to show how this was done. This could be policies, acts, bills, regulations etc.
  4. Each government is to report on progress on number 2 above, including why the commitments were not carried out and what is the way forward is. This should be done by the highest official in the delegation if not the head of state.
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Re: AfricaSan7: How will we hold our leaders accountable for Africa’s commitments on sanitation and hygiene? - Sareen Malik, Executive Secretary at African Civil Society Network on Water (ANEW)

AfricaSan7: How will wehold our leaders accountable for Africa’s commitments on sanitation and
hygiene? - Sareen Malik, Executive Secretary at African Civil Society Network
on Water (ANEW)

AfricaSan is an important movement for our sector on the continent. Bringing together all the stakeholders to find solutions for the continent and to see how we accelerate progress toward SDG6. My expectations are clear for this year – how will we hold our leaders accountable for the commitments of the UN 2023 Conference in addition to those already made under the Ngor Commitment? This should be a post discussion – what promises have been made, and what are the actions taken by various countries to implement and fulfil those commitments?
Click here to watch the video message:

FrançaisAfricaSan7 : Comment tenir nos dirigeants responsables des engagements pris en matière d'assainissement et d'hygiène ? - Sareen Malik, Secrétaire exécutif du Réseau de la Société Civile Africaine pour l'Eau (ANEW).

AfricaSan est un mouvement majeur pour notre secteur sur le continent. En réunissant toutes les parties prenantes pour trouver des solutions afin d'accélérer les progrès vers l'ODD 6, il revêt une importance capitale.Mes attentes sont claires pour cette année : comment allons-nous tenir nos dirigeants responsables des engagements pris lors de la Conférence des Nations Unies en2023, en plus de ceux déjà pris dans le cadre de la Déclaration de Ngor ? Il s'agit là d'une discussion essentielle - quelles promesses ont été faites et quelles actions ont été entreprises par les différents pays pour mettre enœuvre et respecter ces engagements ?
Cliquez ici pour regarder le message vidéo:
SuSanA Forum Moderator
Skat Foundation (With financial support by GIZ and SIRWASH up to November 2023)

Chaiwe Mushauko-Sanderse BSc. NRM, MPH
Independent consultant located in Lusaka, Zambia
Emails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Twitter: @ChaiweSanderse

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The 7th Africa Sanitation and Hygiene Conference (AfricaSan7); 5th-11th November, 2023


H.E. Carl Herman-Gustav Schlettwein, the Honorable Minister of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, Republic of Namibia.

Today, on behalf of the Republic of Namibia, I invite you to the Seventh AfricaSan Conference.

Set to be held in Swakopmund, Namibia, from 5 to 11 November 2023, this conference is a significant gathering convened by the African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) and the Commission of the African Union. The theme for this edition is "Strengthening Systems and Partnerships for Accelerated Action on Safely Managed Sanitation and Hygiene." It builds upon the Ngor Commitments adopted during the Fourth AfricaSan Conference in Dakar in 2015, aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 6.2. The conference seeks to unite political leaders, sector actors, and the water and sanitation community to revitalise efforts toward these goals by taking stock, creating roadmaps and concretising the commitments of the UN 2023 Water Conference.

Sanitation is a fundamental right and a catalyst for health, education, and economic growth. I urge you to save the date. Visit our website, register and get more information about the conference.

The people of Namibia look forward to welcoming participants and shaping the future of Africa's water supply, sanitation, and hygiene services provision together. Once again, for more details on registration and participation, visit the conference website: Thank you!

H.E. Carl Herman-Gustav Schlettwein, Honourable Minister of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, Namibia.

Voir la chanson thème d'AfricaSan7:

Esteemed stakeholders of sanitation and hygiene affairs in Africa, welcome to the AfricaSan7 website. Now is the time for you to
register to make your contribution to Africa’s efforts to accelerate action to deliver safely managed sanitation and hygiene services in Africa. This can be through: proposing a session; securing exhibition space; responding to the call to design the conference banner; and nominating deserving individuals for the prestigious AfricaSan awards. For ease of planning your journey to Swakopmund, Namibia, we have provided comprehensive travel information .

​This will be our first on-site AfricaSan Conference since the COVID 19 pandemic. It presents us with a unique opportunity to consolidate the gains made to raise the profile of sanitation and hygiene in national development planning in Africa. The resort city of Swakopmund is on Namibia’s west coast where the cold sapphire South Atlantic Ocean meets the hot Namib desert. It has been described as a magical piece of land that is perfect for relaxation and rejuvenation. Your involvement in AfricaSan7 in Swakopmund is a chance to enjoy the key attractions of this UNESCO World Heritage Site. We encourage you to utilise it while making a significant contribution to the achievement of water, sanitation and hygiene goals in Africa. Visit the conference website today and take the first step towards joining us in Swakopmund from 5-11 November 2023.

Join us to make AfricaSan7 a resounding success!
Thank you,

Dr Rashid Mbaziira Executive Secretary, AMCOW
Watch AfricaSan7 Theme Song:
SuSanA Forum Moderator
Skat Foundation (With financial support by GIZ and SIRWASH up to November 2023)

Chaiwe Mushauko-Sanderse BSc. NRM, MPH
Independent consultant located in Lusaka, Zambia
Emails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Twitter: @ChaiweSanderse

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