Seminar: "Hygiene promotion in the context of development cooperation and humanitarian aid" - in German


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Re: New Sanitation and Hygiene Training Courses for NGOs in Germany

Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to know what it takes to take part in the coming seminar of 25th - 26th 2015. as far as Visa and Air ticket and accommodation is concerned?
Thank you
Emmanuel Kisembo
Director, Team Work Afrika
Kisembo Emmanuel
Executive Director Team Work Afrika (TWA)
Nsambya, Makindye Road, Ave-Maria Stage P.O Box 28982 Kampala - Uganda- East - Africa
Tel: +256 (0) 712-994-236/0778-203-944
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  • GTO
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  • GTO is a Berlin based NGO with focus on sustainable sanitation and hygiene promotion worldwide.
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Re: New Sanitation and Hygiene Training Courses for NGOs in Germany

We're happy to announce our new seminars to you:

Attention! Please note that all the following seminars will be conducted in German only!

San ABC plus

The next Seminar is an advanced training which aims to deepen the knowledge of the participants on sustainable sanitation in the context of development cooperation. The training will take place Aachen from 16th-17th (Th&Fr) April 2015.

The training topics range from detailed information on sustainable sanitation technologies and -systems to non-technical accompanying measures and financing. During the course we introduce various tools/toolboxes and will discuss project examples with regard to “best practices” and “lessons learned”.

The ideal participants for this seminar are those already working in a development focused NGO and running projects in the field of sanitation in the developing world. The seminar can also benefit those interested in the topic and wanting to gain experience in the field of development and sanitation. Participants should have participated in GTO basic sanitary course or should have working experiences in that field.

Click here for more information [en] about the Advanced Seminar: Sustainable Sanitation.


From 08th-09th May 2015 (Fr & Sa) our 2-day Seminar “Sustainable Water Supply in the Context of Development Cooperation” will take place in Köln/Bonn.

The Seminar gives an overview of the challenges and potentials of sustainable potable water supply in the context of development cooperation and provides a well-balanced composition of practical group exercises and theory.

Background: Water means life! But still more than 1.8 billion people don't have access to clean potable water and the persistence and sustainable use of built water points is often inadequate. Recent studies have revealed that 50% of all water projects in Sub-Saharan Africa fail after a short time. The wrong system choice and insufficient inclusion of the population are only some of the reasons.

This two day seminar is designed to provide an introduction into existing and local adapted technologies for water treatment and extraction up to ensurance of clean water at the point of use. Thereover actual methods and approaches how to ensure a sustainable use and maintenance of the systems will be introduced.

Seminar topics:
  • Basics of water supply in so-called developing and emerging countries:
    Use, impact and common grounds with other sectors
  • Overview of technical possibilities
  • Water reuse and distribution
  • Sustainability aspects in water projects
  • Water safety plans and multi-barrier approach of the WHO
  • Water systems at point of use and household water storage
  • Water commitees: Financing and accompanying measures
  • Operations and maintenance of water points
  • Application of learned knowledge: the participants will work at case studies
With guest lectures and inputs from:
  • Andrea Bindel (arche noVa)
  • Stephan Simon (Welthungerhilfe/World Hunger Aid)
  • Claudia Wendland (WECF)
Click here for more information [en] about the Seminar: Sustainable Water Supply.


From 28th-29th May 2015 (Th & Fr) our 2-day Seminar “Sanitation in Emergencies and Reconstruction Situations” will take place in Köln/Bonn.

The Seminar gives an overview of the challenges and potentials of sanitation in emergency situations and provides a well-balanced composition of practical group exercises and theory.

Background: After humanitarian disasters as flooding, typhoons, earthquakes and armed conflicts, rapid response is required. Food security, shelter, access to safe water and well-functioning sanitation systems are top priorities. Repeated cholera outbreaks and the risks of water-based diseases in emergency situations and refugee camps, shows that sanitation is of central importance for the health, safety and dignity of the affected population.
But what to do in regions with very high water tables, rocky soil or urban regions, where you can’t excavate a pit so easily? How can the main objective of sanitation in the context of emergency aid – the safe storage and disposal of faeces – be ensured in a sustainable manner?
Seminar topics:
  • Humanitarian emergency aid at a glance and the characteristics of sanitation in disaster situations
  • The UN cluster approach and the WASH cluster
  • Minimum standards in humanitarian aid and the SPHERE Project
  • Sanitation and hygiene behaviour in emergency situations
  • Hardware options: sanitation technologies in emergency and transitional aid as well as in reconstruction situations
  • Use, operation and maintenance of various sanitation solutions
  • Characteristics and importance of hygiene promotion in the emergency aid
  • Overview: Project management in emergency aid
  • Case studies and project experience
With guest lectures and inputs from:
  • Georg Ecker (Austrian Red Cross) about practical experiences in emergency sanitation and hygiene promotion (Haiti, Philippines, etc.)
Click here for more information [en] about the Seminar: Sustainable Sanitation in emergencies and reconstruction situations.


From the 25th-26th June 2015 (Th & Fr) our 2-day seminar “Hygiene Promotion in the Context of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid” will take place in Berlin.

This two day seminar is designed to provide an introduction into the various aspects of hygiene measures and the challenges of the aimed behavior changes in the sector of hygiene. Besides the implementation and the understanding the different factors in influence of the desired hygiene behavior, various hygiene approaches and measures will be introduced through examples.

The ideal participants for this seminar are those already working in a development focused NGO and running projects in the field of sanitation.

Seminar topics:
  • The meaning of hygiene measures
  • Special challenges
  • Overview of the most important and effective hygiene practices
  • Influencing factors for hygiene behavior
  • Overview: hygiene approaches and methods
  • Hygiene promotion in humanitarian emergency aid
  • Online forums, networks, further information
Click here for more information [en] about the Hygiene Promotion Seminar.

Best regards and hope to see you!
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GTO is a member of the German WASH Network -

The German Toilet Organization e. V. (GTO) is a non-profit NGO, which was founded in Berlin in October of 2005. GTO’s objective is the improvement of general health and the protection of the environment through increasing the awareness for hygiene and clean and sustainable toilet and wastewater systems as well as their promotion and implementation in projects in Germany and abroad.

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  • GTO
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Re: Seminar: "Hygiene promotion in the context of development cooperation and humanitarian aid" - in German

Our next hygiene seminar is coming up.

From the 18.-19. January 2014 our 2-day seminar “hygiene promotion in the context of development cooperation and humanitarian aid”, will take place in Berlin.
This two day seminar is designed to provide an introduction into the various aspects of hygiene measures and the challenges of the aimed behavior changes in the sector of hygiene. Besides the implementation and the understanding the different factors in influence of the desired hygiene behavior, various hygiene approaches and measures will be introduced through examples.
The ideal participants for this seminar are those already working in a development focused NGO and running projects in the field of sanitation.
Contents of the seminar:
• The meaning of hygiene measures
• Special challenges
• Overview of the most important and effective hygiene practices
• Influencing factors for hygiene behavior
• Overview: hygiene approaches and methods
• Hygiene promotion in humanitarian emergency aid
• Online forums, networks, further information

Attention! Please note that the seminar will be contucted in german only![/center]
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GTO is a member of the German WASH Network -

The German Toilet Organization e. V. (GTO) is a non-profit NGO, which was founded in Berlin in October of 2005. GTO’s objective is the improvement of general health and the protection of the environment through increasing the awareness for hygiene and clean and sustainable toilet and wastewater systems as well as their promotion and implementation in projects in Germany and abroad.

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  • GTO
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  • GTO is a Berlin based NGO with focus on sustainable sanitation and hygiene promotion worldwide.
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Re: Seminar: "Sustainable sanitation in the context of development cooperation"

Rise and shine! Our next sanitation seminar is coming up.

From the 14.-15. December our 2-day seminar "sustainable sanitation in the context of development cooperation" will take place in Bielefeld.

Abstract: The seminar is designed to provide an introduction into the various aspects of sustainable sanitation systems. It is intended for NGO employees, as well as interested persons who want to develop their knowledge on this matter. The course topics range from technical possibilities and socio-cultural aspects to the reuse of human excrements.

Do you know this situation? While you are working in the field in developing countries you recognize that the hygienic conditions are lousy, but with the typical sanitary concepts you can’t get ahead? Concepts of wastewater and sanitation, matched to the local conditions, are the basis for sustainable development and healthy people.

Contents of the seminar:

• Basics of the sanitation supply in developing and emerging nations: use and effect
• Technical possibilities: an overview
• Social-cultural aspects and necessary project accompanying measures
• How can you use the fertilizer made from faeces in small gardens and in Agriculture?
• Project planning and implementation, maintenance and logistic aspects
• Discussion on successful and less successful projects
• Specific apply of lessons learnt: Participants are working on case studies

Attention! Please note that the Seminar will be conducted in German only!

Best regards and cheers,
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GTO is a member of the German WASH Network -

The German Toilet Organization e. V. (GTO) is a non-profit NGO, which was founded in Berlin in October of 2005. GTO’s objective is the improvement of general health and the protection of the environment through increasing the awareness for hygiene and clean and sustainable toilet and wastewater systems as well as their promotion and implementation in projects in Germany and abroad.

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  • GTO
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  • GTO is a Berlin based NGO with focus on sustainable sanitation and hygiene promotion worldwide.
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Re: Sanitation and Hygiene Training Courses for NGOs in Germany

Before you go into hibernation, take part in our exciting next Seminar.

From the 23.-24. November our 2-day Seminar "Hygiene Promotion in the context of development cooperation and humanitarian emergency aid" will take place in Berlin.

Abstract: The seminar is designed to provide an introduction into the various aspects of hygiene measures and the challenges of the aimed behaviour changes in the sector of hygiene. Besides the implementation and the understanding of the different factors in influence of the desired hygiene behaviour, various hygiene approaches and measures will be introduced through examples.

Seminar topics:
• The meaning of hygiene measures
• Special challenges
• Overview of the most important and effective hygiene practices
• Influencing factors for hygiene behaviour (FOAM)
• Overview: hygiene approaches and methods (PHAST, CHAST, Community Health Clubs, Community- Led Total Sanitation, WASH in Schools etc.)
• Hygiene promotion in humanitarian emergency aid
• Online forums, networks, further information

Last but not least we are glad to provide you exciting guest lectures from Ina Jurga (WASH-United) and Sabine Günnel (German Red Cross) reporting from their own experience relative to the topic.

Please find attached the abstract + registration form.

Attention! Please note that the Seminar will be conducted in German only! (We are planning to hold the trainings in English as well, stay tuned...)

Hope to see you soon and best regards,
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GTO is a member of the German WASH Network -

The German Toilet Organization e. V. (GTO) is a non-profit NGO, which was founded in Berlin in October of 2005. GTO’s objective is the improvement of general health and the protection of the environment through increasing the awareness for hygiene and clean and sustainable toilet and wastewater systems as well as their promotion and implementation in projects in Germany and abroad.

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  • GTO
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  • GTO is a Berlin based NGO with focus on sustainable sanitation and hygiene promotion worldwide.
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Re: Sanitation and Hygiene Training Courses for NGOs in Germany

Dear Colleagues,

Still 2.5 billion people don’t have access to an adequate toilet… so we continue to conduct another seminar on sustainable sanitation…

The next Seminar is an advanced training which aims to deepen the knowledge of the participants on sustainable sanitation in the context of development cooperation.
The training will be in Hamburg from the 28th-29th of September.
The training topics range from detailed information on sustainable sanitation technologies and -systems to non-technical accompanying measures and financing. During the course we introduce various tools/toolboxes and will discuss project examples with regard to “best practices” and “lessons learnt”.

The ideal participants for this seminar are those already working in a development focused NGO and running projects in the field of sanitation in the developing world. The seminar can also benefit those interested in the topic and wanting to gain experience in the field of development and sanitation. Participants should have participated in GTO basic sanitary course or should have working experiences in that field.
Find more information here

Please note that the seminar will be conducted in German only!

Hope to see some of you...


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GTO is a member of the German WASH Network -

The German Toilet Organization e. V. (GTO) is a non-profit NGO, which was founded in Berlin in October of 2005. GTO’s objective is the improvement of general health and the protection of the environment through increasing the awareness for hygiene and clean and sustainable toilet and wastewater systems as well as their promotion and implementation in projects in Germany and abroad.

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  • GTO
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  • GTO is a Berlin based NGO with focus on sustainable sanitation and hygiene promotion worldwide.
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Re: Sanitation and Hygiene Training Courses for NGOs in Germany

Get a pen and take out your calendar, we are going to hold another Seminar.

From the 20.-21. July our 2-day Seminar "Hygiene Promotion and Behaviour Change" will take place in Hamburg.

Abstract: The seminar is designed to provide an introduction into the various aspects of hygiene measures and the challenges of the aimed behaviour changes in the sector of hygiene. Besides the implementation and the understanding the different factors in influence of the desired hygiene behaviour, various hygiene approaches and measures will be introduced through examples.

Topics range from:

- The meaning of hygiene measures
- Special challenges
- Overview of the most important and effective hygiene practices
- Influencing factors for hygiene behaviour (FOAM)
- Overview: hygiene approaches and methods (PHAST, CHAST, Community Health Clubs, Community- Led Total Sanitation, WASH in Schools etc.)
- Hygiene promotion in humanitarian emergency aid
- Online forums, networks, further information

Please find attached the abstract + registration form.

!ATTENTION! Unfortunately the course will be held in German only!
[we are planning to conduct the trainings in english as well, stay tuned...]

Hope to see some of you.

best wishes from the Toilet-Office

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GTO is a member of the German WASH Network -

The German Toilet Organization e. V. (GTO) is a non-profit NGO, which was founded in Berlin in October of 2005. GTO’s objective is the improvement of general health and the protection of the environment through increasing the awareness for hygiene and clean and sustainable toilet and wastewater systems as well as their promotion and implementation in projects in Germany and abroad.

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  • Doreen
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Re: Sanitation and Hygiene Training Courses for NGOs in Germany

I also had the opportunity to attend a GTO seminar in July 2011 which I found incredibly useful particularly since I attended it at a time when I was just starting to work for GIZ in the Sustainable Sanitation Programme. I would highly recommend it to anyone who works in the sector.

However it would be great if the course was also offered in English. That way, a broader variety of people working in WASH who are non-German speakers could also benefit from the courses.

@ Juergen: I also do not know what happened to Jani Pads. I wrote to them a couple of times but no response. I was in Naivasha two weeks ago and Emily from Sanivation asked me the same thing.

Thanks and best regards,

Doreen Mbalo

GIZ Sustainable Sanitation Programme
Policy Advisor in Bonn, Germany
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
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Re: Sanitation and Hygiene Training Courses for NGOs in Germany

Having just returned from an interesting weekend in Cologne where the German Toilet Org team held their course on hygiene promotion, I can also only recommend it and would like this training course to a) also be made available in English and b) be made mandatory for anyone who is active in WASH. You really get to learn a lot and will also have a chance to see (and touch) some of the recently marketed menstrual hygiene management (mhm) options:

MHM brands that were showcased include the Ruby Cup, AfriPads and the MakaPads. (ati, JaniPads iko wapi these days?)
Juergen Eichholz
watsan eng.
water, sanitation, IT & knowledge management

Toilets in Frankfurt/Main
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Re: Sanitation and Hygiene Training Courses for NGOs in Germany

Iam interested in the Training programme but unfortunately it will only be offered in German.Please consider having an English Training Course. Thank you
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  • GTO
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  • GTO is a Berlin based NGO with focus on sustainable sanitation and hygiene promotion worldwide.
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Re: Sanitation and Hygiene Training Courses for NGOs in Germany

Due to many cancellations for our training course: "Hygiene Promotion and Behavior Change" we can offer some free places for this weekend.

The seminar will be held in Cologne from 23th-24th at the Malteser International Headquarter.

Abstract of the course:

"This two day seminar is designed to provide an introduction into the various aspects of hygiene measures and the challenges of the aimed behaviour changes in the sector of hygiene. Besides the implementation and the understanding the different factors in influence of the desired hygiene behaviour, various hygiene approaches and measures will be introduced through examples."

The topics range from different hygiene approaches (PHAST, CHAST, CLTS, CHC...) to important topics as Menstrual Hygiene Management and more.

You can find more information under this link:

Hope to see some of you... and plz spread the word...

!ATTENTION! Unfortunately the course will be held in German only.
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GTO is a member of the German WASH Network -

The German Toilet Organization e. V. (GTO) is a non-profit NGO, which was founded in Berlin in October of 2005. GTO’s objective is the improvement of general health and the protection of the environment through increasing the awareness for hygiene and clean and sustainable toilet and wastewater systems as well as their promotion and implementation in projects in Germany and abroad.

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Re: Sanitation and Hygiene Training Courses for NGOs in Germany

The Seminars from GTO on sustainable sanitation are really worth to attend. Myself took part in the advanced course on 24th and 25th November and I was very impressed. The weekend offered chances to exchange experience and knowledge and also communicated a lot of details in several areas. The organization was excellent, lectures and interactions balanced quite well. Pictures taken at this seminar can be found under

Thanks again to GTO! I can totally recommend their seminars.

Best regards,
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