SSWM Training-of-Trainers course in Hyderabad, India


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Re: SSWM Training-of-Trainers course in Hyderabad, India

Dear Elisabeth
The presentations hold in Hydrebad are available upon request (email to me, and attached to this post).
But most of the topics do have fact sheets with PPT on the Toolbox as well (which are always online available or offline in the downloadable offline full version of the Toolbox,
Water and Sanitation as a Human Right:

The one from Banka BioLoo has to be requested from Sanjay, email me and I can make the contact (I have the PPT but he asked me not to share…)

WG1 Co-lead
Developing methods and tools to support strategic planning for sustainable sanitation. Particular interested in novel technologies contributing to more inclusive and circular sanitation. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Re: SSWM Training-of-Trainers course in Hyderabad, India

Dear Dorothee,

Thanks for your detailed response which makes it a bit clearer for me.

But I think you overlooked this question of mine? :

are any or all of the presentations available online for self-study (I would understand it if you say "no" because seecon as a company also has a business interest in these trainings)? E.g. these ones caught my interest: ...

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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Re: SSWM Training-of-Trainers course in Hyderabad, India

Dear Elisabeth

How is such a training course funded, i.e. who pays for seecon's time? Are the participants paying a full fee or a subsidised rate? If subsidised then who pays for the rest? Is it donor-provided?
Who exactly was your target group? You say training of trainers - but what kind of trainers are we talking about? Who do they typically work for?
Who or what is this: SaciWATERs-Cap-Net Network (SCaN)? Is it a local network in India?

Each SSWM training is funded in its own way.
The ToT carried out in Hyderabed was funded by Cap-Net. SaciWATERs is the in charge of the management of SCaN, which is the regional network of Cap-Net for South-East Asia.
Thus, the ToT in Hyderabed was donor-provided (Cap-Net / SCaN).

We have also experiences with carrying in out ToTs based on participants fee. However, depending on the requirements of the local partner and the target groups the more or less involvement from seecon side is required. If we have to become very active, some basic funding to cover our costs is of course needed. In such a case, the amount is requested from different donors, e.g. SDC in Switzerland or a regional donor.
You see: the costs for a training can vary highly: you can have it with local people in a existing university using their infrastructure, or in comfortable hotel with international participants - it all depends on the target groups, their learning needs and the objectives of the main convener (our partner).
What we provide are tailor-made solution: we do not have an all-time-best recipe…

The SSWM Toolbox is particularly useful for water practitioners at the local level. It is also used as an information pool for students or as a ready-made training tool for international organisations and all those working within the water sector (NGOs, CBOs, local decision makers, environmental agencies, consultants, etc.).
As mentioned above, our involvement in trainings organized by partners in the regions depends on their needs. That’s why we mainly focus on ToTs: in order to enable the local partners to better implement trainings independently from us.
In Hyderabed our target group were members from Cap-Net and SCaN involved professionally in capacity development and decision making either in NGOs, CBOs, universities or ministries.
WG1 Co-lead
Developing methods and tools to support strategic planning for sustainable sanitation. Particular interested in novel technologies contributing to more inclusive and circular sanitation. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  • Elisabeth
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Re: SSWM Training-of-Trainers course in Hyderabad, India

Dear Dorothee,

Thanks for this information. I have a few questions about this post that you made here:
  1. How is such a training course funded, i.e. who pays for seecon's time? Are the participants paying a full fee or a subsidised rate? If subsidised then who pays for the rest? Is it donor-provided?
  2. Who exactly was your target group? You say training of trainers - but what kind of trainers are we talking about? Who do they typically work for?
  3. Who or what is this: SaciWATERs-Cap-Net Network (SCaN)? Is it a local network in India?
I looked at the course program that you posted: are any or all of the presentations available online for self-study (I would understand it if you say "no" because seecon as a company also has a business interest in these trainings)?

E.g. these ones caught my interest:
Banka BioLoo
Presentation & Q&A
Mr Sanjay Banka, Banka

How adults Learn
Presentation & Q&A
Mrs D. Spuhler, seecon

Water and Sanitation as a Human Right
Presentations and Q&A
Mrs D. Spuhler seecon

Kind regards,
Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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SSWM Training-of-Trainers course in Hyderabad, India

SaciWATERs-Cap-Net Network (SCaN) in collaboration with seecon International gmbh and the support of Cap-Net conducted a 5-day Training-of-Trainers Course in Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management (SSWM) from 30 of November to 04 of December 2013 in Hyderabad, India. Have a look at the topics discussed and pictures taken during the training. For more information on SSWM trainings, check out the SSWM courses overview .
WG1 Co-lead
Developing methods and tools to support strategic planning for sustainable sanitation. Particular interested in novel technologies contributing to more inclusive and circular sanitation. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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