Updates from the Change Management Task Force (CMTF)


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Re: Updates from the Change Management Task Force (CMTF)

Hi Leonie,
Thanks for the update. I appreciate that.
Is it possible that you could post the theory of change and the ToR for the organisational development (OD) consultant here in this thread? Or has it already been posted in the forum and I've missed it?

Also, did you succeed in getting funding for this consultant? (I can imagine it wasn't easy).
And in the light of the " decolonisation of knowledge " discussions is there something in the ToR to put some focus on that issue? In the recruitment process, are you considering people from all over the world or only from Germany (or from the country that put up the funding)?

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
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Located in Ulm, Germany
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Re: Updates from the Change Management Task Force (CMTF)

Dear Elisabeth,

Thank you for your comment and apologies if my presentation was not clear enough on the activities and progress of the CMTF. Since January the CMTF has worked on the following: 
  • Theory of Change (draft version complete and will be shared with Organiational Develoment (OD) consultant)
  • Strategy (work in progress)
  • Code of Conduct (draft version complete, to be refined once we have more clarity on the future structure of SuSanA - dependent on OD consultant)
  • ToR for OD consultant (complete and recruitment process ongoing. The CMTF is currently not fully aware of the status of the recruitment process but a call with the Secretariat is scheduled for next week)
  • Preparation of list of potential OD consultants 
  • Letter to SuSanA partners requesting for funding of OD consultant. 
It is important to note that having a professional OD consultant supporting the CMTF has been part of the change management framework from the beginning.  However, there have been unforseen delays with securing the funds for recruiting this support.  This has clearly been a bottleneck. Hence,the CMTF sent the letter to the partners asking for support for the funding of the OD consultant. The Core Group and Secretariat have been supportive throughout the process.

We cannot give a concrete timeline for the commencement of work of the OD consultant yet but we hope that we will be in a position to give another update after our call next week. 

I hope this answers your question.

Best regards,

Leonie Kappauf
Water & Sanitation Consultant

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Re: Updates from the Change Management Task Force (CMTF)

I've re-watched the short update from the Change Management Task Force (CMTF) twice (thanks for the video) but I can't really get my head around what Leonie was actually saying. Could we please get another update in the thread here? To me I took the presentation as saying that things haven't progressed since about January of this year.
These are three statements she made towards the end: 
  • "We have to get the organisational development consultant to work."
  • "We are still at the beginning of the conceptualisation phase"
  • "We are committed until the end of this year".

I would appreciate more information please.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
Located in Ulm, Germany
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Re: Updates from the Change Management Task Force (CMTF)

Dear all,

on the Opening Session of the 30th SuSanA Meeting, Leonie from the SuSanA CMTF gave an update on the work of the Change Management Task Force and the path to SuSanA 2.0. You can watch it here on Youtube (the video will already start at Leonie's presentation, which is also attached to this post as a pdf file).

Best regards


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Re: Updates from the Change Management Task Force (CMTF)

Dear All,

Here's a small update from the SuSanA CMTF:

The SuSanA Change Management Task Force has been working remotely ever since its inception in Stockholm prior to World Water Week in 2019.
During the second face to face meeting in Bonn, Germany ( December 2019), the CMTF finalised the modified vision and purpose as the first step of organisational development and developed a thorough workplan for the OD process.
The group intends to present options or solutions to alternate governance structures for SuSanA after carefully analysing other networks and taking into account the growth of SuSanA in the past years along with an OD and governance expert.
Owing to the uncertainty around funding the rest of SuSanA’s organisational restructuring and development, the exact timeline for the process is not finalised. However, in the event of funds being available, the process of producing several feasible options for a new governance would be completed by August 2020.
The new vision and purpose statements and workplan of CMTF will be made available on request.

The CMTF can be contacted for any feedback or ideas on funding the OD process through the SuSanA Secretariat This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

on behalf of the entire CMTF
Shobana Srinivasan
Programme Management Officer
UN Habitat/ GWOPA

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Re: Updates from the Change Management Task Force (CMTF)

The SuSanA Change Mangement Task Force (CMTF) was tasked with steering the change process to SuSanA 2.0, a more formal organizational and governance structure that will help SuSanA reach its vision and objectives. The CMTF was first convened right before the Stockholm World Water Week Conference, and met with the Core Group at the meeting in Stockholm 2019.

At this first meeting, the CMTF (guided by an organizational development consultant and Core Group representatives), discussed: the background of the SuSanA change management process, the mandate of the CMTF, and the inputs and support available. The Task Force then discussed values, expectations, needs, member competency profiles, and agreed on a decision-making procedure. The group started discussing agreements, and decided on immediate next steps, such as communication methods and meetings.

Since that convening, the CMTF has met several times by videoconferencing. At its September meeting, the Task Force decided to form working groups to concentrate on: modifying the Terms of Reference and charting a workplan/schedule; investigating a process and organizational development facilitator; and resolving the Problem Statement (clarifying the organizational development problem at Susana).

At its October videoconferencing meetings, the working groups reported significant progress on their specific tasks. The Task Force also decided on a facilitator, and agreed to attend a workshop on December 9-10 in Bonn, Germany. The goal of the workshop is to finalize several documents (vision/mission and strategy of Susana), agree on strategic decisions and move forward to addressing the structure and governance mechanisms.

The CMTF intends to periodically update the SuSanA membership through this Forum, and will ask for feedback and input at appropriate times in the future.
Francis de los Reyes III
Professor/TED Fellow

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Re: Updates from the Change Management Task Force (CMTF)

Dear all,

On behalf of the SuSanA Core Group representatives tasked with suggesting the composition of the Change Management Task Force (CMTF), we would like to inform you on the outcomes of the selection process for the composition of the CMTF.

After several rounds of assessment, the selection was done with the best interest of finding a well-balanced group of people representing the different partner and membership constituencies, geographic regions, age groups and gender in an optimal way - making the final decision not easy. However, we are convinced that the group below will be a strong and well-balanced group of eight highly motivated people, on one hand small enough to be manageable and on the other hand representing the different partner and membership constituencies, regions, age groups, etc. in an optimal way. Moreover, we are excited that the CMTF will take up their work in a first meeting at the end of August in Stockholm.

The members of the CMTF, which have been presented to and endorsed by the SuSanA Core Group in the beginning of August, are (in alphabetical order):

  • Celia Bedoya del Olmo, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Depinder Kapur, National Institute of Urban Affairs
  • Francis de los Reyes III, North Carolina State University
  • Lara Nassar, Regional Coordinator WANA Chapter, BORDA- WesCa
  • Leonie Hyde-Smith (former Kappauf), GFA Consulting Group GmbH
  • Madeleine Fogde, Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Maureen Amakabane, Usafi Sanitation Limited
  • Shobana Srinivasan, BORDA e.V

We also contacted all 30 applicants who were not selected to be a member of the CMTF and invited them to be involved in the OD process by being part of a sounding board for the CMTF. The format and consultation routines is yet to be determined by CMTF itself.

Again, we would like to thank everyone’s commitment to support SuSanA’s Change Management Process in the coming year!

Best regards,
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
Follow us on facebook: www.facebook.com/susana.org, linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/sustainable-sanitation-alliance-susana and twitter: twitter.com/susana_org

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Re: Updates from the Change Management Task Force (CMTF)

Dear all,

The deadline for the applications for the Change Management Task Force closed last week. We are happy to have received in total 73 nominations - 47 self-nominations and 26 nominated by others. All of the nominees were asked to submit an application. We have received in total 38 applications from different SuSanA constituencies and all regions of the world.

After the call for more female nominations three weeks ago and active outreach to females in the sector and network we have reached a male:female ratio of 25:13 applications, which means we could bring up the share of females from 15% to 35%.

A group of mandated SuSanA Core Group representatives is currently reviewing all applications. Interviews with candidates will take place until the beginning of July 2019. The Core Group of SuSanA will then take the final decision on the composition of the CMTF in July.

We thank all the SuSanA friends who nominated themselves or trusted colleagues and those who submitted the application for taking the time and thereby supporting the SuSanA network. Based on the high quality of applications, we feel optimistic that we will be able to form an effective team to guide the network through the period of change.

Best regards,
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
Follow us on facebook: www.facebook.com/susana.org, linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/sustainable-sanitation-alliance-susana and twitter: twitter.com/susana_org

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Re: Updates from the Change Management Task Force (CMTF)

Dear all,

As you are aware, the call for nominations is open until Tuesday, 07th. We are happy to have received about 40 nominations by now, most of them self-nominations. Nevertheless, we observe a very low rate of women nomination – only around 15% of the candidates are women.

We like to believe that all SuSanA partner organizations and members are deeply committed to gender equality in the sanitation sector. We like to believe that SuSanA partner organizations aim at gender balance within their teams. And above all, we like to believe that the SuSanA community is against gender-based discrimination and is fully convinced of the role women have to play in shaping sustainable and inclusive futures.

Therefore, we would like to encourage you to take about 30 min of your day today or tomorrow to motivate engaged female professionals in the sector to take part in the call for nominations. If that is asking too much, then we highly encourage you taking about 10 minutes of your time today to list all capable and qualified women in the sector that you know and nominate at least one of them via this link: bit.ly/2ZH2U0F

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

Best regards,
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
Follow us on facebook: www.facebook.com/susana.org, linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/sustainable-sanitation-alliance-susana and twitter: twitter.com/susana_org

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Re: Updates from the Change Management Task Force (CMTF)

Dear all,

please find below the short introductory presentation about the Change Management Task Force (CMTF) held in the Q&A session:
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The discussion that followed concerned mostly the motivation for SuSanA for undertaking this reorganisation process and whether there was a special event that triggered this.

We discussed, that the decision for the organisational development did not come over night, but it developed over the past years already. Different stakeholders within SuSanA realised at different points that there are a number of missed opportunities and untapped potential within SuSanA. With the growth in members and partners, as well as new regional structures, it is now the right thing to revisit the informal structures, the governance and operational aspects of the founding days.

Nominations for the CMTF are still open until 7th of May here . If any of your questions are still not answered yet, you can reach us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Best regards,
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
Follow us on facebook: www.facebook.com/susana.org, linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/sustainable-sanitation-alliance-susana and twitter: twitter.com/susana_org

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Re: Updates from the Change Management Task Force (CMTF)

Dear all,

as promised, the Secretariat will offer a Q&A live session for all those who have questions that are not answered by the information given on the website Organisational Development 2019-2020.

The Q&A session will be open on Friday, 3rd May from 1.30 pm to 2pm CEST (you will find a time conversion for your time zone on the bottom of this page ).

The access will be via Skype for business and you have two options to enter:
- In case you have Skype for business installed, click here to join
- Otherwise, please install the Skype Web App here

You are welcome to submit your questions beforehand to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Regarding Elisabeth's question below on why we call it SuSanA 2.0. By SuSanA 2.0, we mean "a new version of SuSanA", similar to Merriam-Webster dictionary definition: 2.0 is

used postpositively to describe a new and improved version or example of something or someone

The definition for Web 2.0

emphasize user-generated content, ease of use, participatory culture

values that are also very applicable for SuSanA 2.0. The OD process will be looking at these, alongside other vital aspects for the network like organizational, operational and governance.

Best regards,
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
Follow us on facebook: www.facebook.com/susana.org, linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/sustainable-sanitation-alliance-susana and twitter: twitter.com/susana_org

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Re: Updates from the Change Management Task Force (CMTF)

Hi Franziska,

I noticed the term "SuSanA 2.0" in your thread title. I think it might be useful to explain to folks what we mean with SuSanA 2.0? The term was brought up by consultants a year or two ago but how would you explain it?

Would you say it's similar to Web 2.0 which Wikipedia describes like this:

Web 2.0 (also known as Participative (or Participatory)[1] and Social Web[2]) refers to websites that emphasize user-generated content, ease of use, participatory culture and interoperability (i.e., compatible with other products, systems, and devices) for end users.


Or was it not really a purpuseful choice of term and is just meant to say "a new version of SuSanA"?

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
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