In English and Spanish - Webinar featuring DEWATS (GIZ Afghanistan) / Webinario en Español - 16 Nov 2016 - recording now available


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Re: Webinar 16.11.2016 featuring DEWATS (GIZ Afghanistan) / Webinario en Español el 16.11.2016

Dear Elisabeth,

For a quick overview of the webinar here the two presentations, both in english and spanish languauge.

Kind regards
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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Re: Webinar 16.11.2016 featuring DEWATS (GIZ Afghanistan) / Webinario en Español el 16.11.2016

Dear SuSanA secretariat,

Could you please also post the two powerpoint files that were used in this webinar? This would be useful for anyone who can't view Youtube videos or who wants to get a quicker overview of what was presented. Thanks.

I came back to this thread because I got interested in this topic of the webinar:
Younes Hassib, GIZ, Germany: Scaling up sanitation solutions in Afghanistan

due to a discussion in this thread:
Best decentralized treatment solution for a city without a centralized sewage system? (Question about Kabul, Afghanistan) (

Younes should be in a good position to react in that new thread. Could you please alert him as you're in the same office, thanks.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
Located in Ulm, Germany
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Re: Webinar 16.11.2016 featuring DEWATS (GIZ Afghanistan) / Webinario en Español el 16.11.2016

Thanks again everybody for the great webinar!

For those who were not able to attend, or would like to watch some parts again, we have now made the recording of the RWSN webinar on TAF (Technology Applicability Framework) available on Youtube through the SuSanA video channel :

(Posted by Manuel)
Posted by a member of the SuSanA secretariat held by the GIZ Sector Program Water Policy – Innovations for Resilience
Located at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany
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In English and Spanish - Webinar featuring DEWATS (GIZ Afghanistan) / Webinario en Español - 16 Nov 2016 - recording now available

Dear all,

Texto en español más abajo

From the RWSN secretariat we herewith announce the latest webinar of our mini-series 2016, which will take place on 16.11.2016. The title of the event is “A tool for Monitoring the Scaling up of Water and Sanitation Technologies (TAF – Technology Applicability Framework)” and it will focus on the use of the TAF, which has been presented and discussed previously here at the SuSanA Forum. The session will take place in English (2-3 PM Central European Time) and in Spanish (4-5 PM Central European Time). We are happy to announce the two presenters and the titles of their presentations:

- Joshua Briemberg, WaterAid, Nicaragua: TAF as a participative planning and monitoring tool
- Younes Hassib, GIZ, Germany: Scaling up sanitation solutions in Afghanistan

After the two presentations, you will have the chance to ask questions and participate in the on-line Q&A session and discussion around this topic.

Please use the following link in order to register for the sessions:

Recordings and presentations of previous sessions of this mini-series of webinars are available for download and viewing here .

Estimados todos y todas

A través de la presente el secretariado del RWSN está anunciando que el 16.11.2016 se efectuará el último webinar de la mini-serie 2016. El título del evento es “Una herramienta para monitorear la escalabilidad de tecnologías de agua y saneamiento (TAF: Technology Applicability Framework)”, y habrá un sesión en inglés (2-3 PM horario Europeo, ver la hora en su zona local aquí) y una sesión en español (4-5 PM horario Europeo Central, ver la hora en su zona local aquí). También queremos confirmar a los presentadores y a los títulos de sus presentaciones:

- Joshua Briemberg, WaterAid Nicaragua: TAF como herramienta participativa de monitoreo y de planificación
- Younes Hassib, GIZ, Alemania: Como replicar a escala soluciones en saneamiento en Afganistán

Después de las dos presentaciones, habrá tiempo para hacer preguntas y/o comentarios relacionados a este tema.

Por favor, utilizar el siguiente vínculo para registrarse para las sesiones:

Las grabaciones de las sesiones anteriores de la mini-serie están disponibles en ésta página .

Best regards/saludos cordiales

Matthias Saladin

Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN)
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