Water and Sanitation Program of the World Bank (WSP): End of Year Report, Fiscal Year 2015 - and collaboration options with SuSanA


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Water and Sanitation Program of the World Bank (WSP): End of Year Report, Fiscal Year 2015 - and collaboration options with SuSanA

I would like to draw your attention to this report:
"Water and Sanitation Program: End of Year Report, Fiscal Year 2015"
You can access it here:

It is well written, eays to read, and provides a wealth of inforumation about the work of WSP in the last year. It's the report back to the donors of the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) of the World Bank.

The report talks about things that are also important for us in SuSanA, such as community of practice, knowledge products, communications. E.g. from Page 3:

Achieving the vision of the SDGs requires a bold
new approach that integrates the varied disciplines
within the water sector under the common goal of
achieving a water-secure world for all. The World
Bank Water Global Practice (GP), which consists
of world-renowned technical expertise, sector
knowledge, and extensive in-country presence,
has the potential to serve as an implementing arm
of the SDGs.

WSP’s integration into the Water GP brings a
tremendous opportunity to leverage the World
Bank’s financial and global knowledge base to
achieve these goals. The creation of the Water GP
allows for an integrated water agenda, bringing
together the World Bank’s finance and knowledge
systems under one management structure to turn
global knowledge into implementation.

And on Page 4:

WSP’s increased role within the Water GP has
already begun to impact World Bank lending.
WSP is supporting the delivery of a US$300
million World Bank rural sanitation and hygiene
program in Vietnam
by building capacity of
implementing agencies in 19 provinces in the
Northern Mountainous and Central Highlands
to enable them to deliver sanitation services in
remote areas.

WSP helped design one of the first
World Bank projects that focused on urban onsite
sanitation in Lusaka, Zambia
. The US$305
million Lusaka Sanitation Program, being funded
by a number of other development partners, will
provide more than 200,000 people with improved
sanitation. WSP is also suporting the design of
a US$1 billion lending and technical assistance
program for sanitation in small towns in Egypt.

With regards to knowledge products, you find on Page 10:

WSP developed 123 knowledge products this year. The new knowledge
products are increasingly being published in academic journals. Since
2011, WSP has produced more than 579 knowledge products.

I am sure these knowledge products are all available on their website, but I am wondering if we could also integrate them into the SuSanA library somehow? (we already have many in there but perhaps we could take a more rigorous approach there)

With regards to funding (page 68):

WSP received US$ 29.5 million in contributions in
fiscal year 2015. Of this amount, the global core
share was 71 percent, the regional core was 23
percent, and targeted funding was 6 percent.
Cumulative contributions of US$233.7 million
were received during the current business plan

The report also includes a detailed listing of activities supported per country, so I invite you to take a look at the country that you care about and see what WSP does there.

It would be nice to see a more formal/structured collaboration between SuSanA and WSP in future. We could start with identifying a contact person at WSP for SuSanA.
WSP is already a SuSanA partner which is good (see www.susana.org/en/partner/details/115).

One existing collaboration is in the area of shit flow diagrams, see page 43 of the report:

WSP continues to collaborate with Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation and with the universities
of Leeds and Loughborough to promote and
facilitate the use of fecal waste flow analysis. The
Foundation provided an initial tranche of US$1
million to begin work on this approach and has
already co-organized discussions with WSP and
other partners at two major events in 2015—
the Stockholm Water Week and the Global FSM
conference in Vietnam.

I was also interested to see what support WSP gets from the Gates Foundation. This is listed on page 68: it had two grants of about 10-11 Mio USD each.

You can also find those two grants mentioned here in the SuSanA project database and on the grants database of the BMGF:

This was their one grant:
Date: November 2010
Purpose: to support the Water and Sanitation Program in scaling up sanitation for the rural poor
Amount: $10,559,715
Duration: 2010 - 2014


And this the second grant:
Date: November 2009
Purpose: to develop and disseminate best practices in the water, sanitation, and hygiene sector by supporting the Water and Sanitation Program
Amount: $11,867,600
Duration: 2009 - 2015


Finally, I recieved this information by e-mail from Ai-Ju Huang at the Worldbank

WSP received donor funding over the last five years to support the implementation of the WSP FY11-15 Business Plan. This was the case with the two grants provided by the Gates Foundation (along with the funds from other donors), which were used to support the programs in the Business Plan and not specific projects. WSP issued an annual report each year to highlight the results achieved in the Business Plan implementation.

Following is the link to the WSP End of the Year Reports over the last several years on the WSP website. In these reports, you will be able to find the results achieved by the Program in that particular year, including specific country highlights. We do hope that you find them helpful.


On the WSP Global Results Framework, we do have a comprehensive monitoring and data collection system. However, because of data proprietary and our agreement with the WSP Program Council, we would not be able to share that database with the public.


If you have questions or feedback about this report by WSP or the work that they do in the different countries, please put them into this thread.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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