Municipal-supported unsewered sanitation improvements for the urban-poor (African Water Facility, AWF)


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  • Elisabeth
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Re: Sustainable Sanitation Approaches for the Urban Poor - African Water Facility (AWF) contributions, Side Event @ Africasan 4, May 2015

Dear Ousseynou,

Thanks a lot for posting this. Folks who have heard about the African Water Facility and are wondering about outcomes from projects that this Facility has financed or co-financed so far, please read on.

I recently updated the information we have about the AWF in our project database and added some new links, see here:

Two of their projects have been spoken about on the discussion forum so far:

Safi Sana waste re-use factory for bio-fertiliser and energy production in Ghana
Tripartite Partnerships, Ashaiman, Mankessim and Huni Valley (Ghana)

I hope that others will follow in due course.

I found this overview report from mid last year really excellent to get a better understanding about the projects that the AWF has funded so far:

Un-sewered Sanitation Improvements for the Urban-Poor - Overview of the African Water Facility project portfolio

It was written by Sophie Trémolet and team (to be precise: "This report was prepared by Sophie Trémolet, Marie-Alix Prat and Goufrane Mansour from Trémolet Consulting, under the supervision of Dr. Akissa Bahri (Coordinator, AWF), and in collaboration with AWF sanitation experts, including Ousseynou Guene (Principal Sanitation Specialist), Franz Höllhuber (Principal Water and Sanitation Specialist), and Maureen Ntege-Wasswa (Senior Water and Sanitation Engineer)." )

About AWF (from

The African Water Facility (AWF) is an initiative led by the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) to mobilise resources to finance water resources development activities in Africa. It is hosted and managed by the African Development Bank (AfDB).

Over its first six years of operation the AWF developed a portfolio of grants covering 84 projects in 51 countries including Africa’s most vulnerable states.

and about funding of the AWF:

The AWF is funded by Algeria, Australia, Austria, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Burkina Faso, Canada, Denmark, the European Commission, France, Norway, Senegal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the African Development Bank. The AWF is governed by a Governing Council representing its 15 donors, UN-Water Africa, the AU via NEPAD, AMCOW and the AfDB.


P.S. If you wonder why I am highlighting the AWF work here now: I got interested in the AWF projects because one of their funding sources is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (12 Mio USD, see here ) with whom I have a grant (via SEI) to help with knowledge management of their sanitation projects, using the SuSanA platform. Apart from that, it is also interesting for me since some of my tax money is funding the AWF, too (Germany is not part of the donor group but the European Commission is).
Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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Municipal-supported unsewered sanitation improvements for the urban-poor (African Water Facility, AWF)

Attached presentations made during the AWF Side Event entitled "AWF at AfricaSan 4 Conference Presents Innovative Sanitation Solutions" at Africasan4 in May 2015 in Dakar (see also here for further information about the event):

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Ousseynou Guene, AWF Principal Sanitation Officer
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