- Health and hygiene, schools and other non-household settings
- Nutrition and WASH (including stunted growth)
- The 5 key documents for the sub-category on nutrition and WASH
The 5 key documents for the sub-category on nutrition and WASH

- Saskia
Topic Author
- Student of Urban Ecosystem Science at TU Berlin
Less- Posts: 5
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It contains a recommendation and orientation for newcomers regarding the recommended top five documents in the thematic area of "Nutrition and WASH", grouped into “policy”, “implementation” and “research”.
The former discussion on the recommendation of the top readings you find here: forum.susana.org/92-nutrition-and-wash-....n-nutrition-and-wash...
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1. WaterAid, ACF, SHARE (2017). The Recipe for Success: how policy-makers can integrate water, sanitation and hygiene into actions to end malnutrition. www.susana.org/en/knowledge-hub/resource...library/details/2857
Based on a country level analysis of the cross-integration of nutrition and WASH in their respective plans and policies, the publication gives specific recommendations to all relevant stakeholders. The key findings of the country level analysis are presented in a rating tool using the colors of a traffic light, which can be applied to other country cases as well.
2. German WASH Network (2017). 2+6=17 Linking WASH and Nutrition – A Blueprint for Living SDG 17. www.susana.org/en/knowledge-hub/resource...library/details/2830
The publication to a large extent, is based on a survey and interviews with relevant stakeholder groups from both thematic areas, WASH and nutrition. It shows the perceptions of one’s own thematic area and the respective other as well as the expectations towards the different stakeholder groups. The key bottlenecks are identified, their gaps and hindrances are stated and helpful ideas and approaches to overcome them are provided.
3. ACF (2017). WASH’Nutrition – A Practical Guidebook on increasing nutritional impact through integration of WASH and nutrition programmes. For practitioners in humanitarian and development contexts. www.susana.org/en/knowledge-hub/resource...library/details/2716
The guidebook focuses on mothers and young children as primary target group. It provides practical support along the five pillars of the WASH-Nutrition strategy: “integration”, “mother & child dyad”, “behavior change”, “coordination of stakeholders” and “ensuring a WASH minimum package”. Practical suggestions are made on how to implement linkages of WASH and nutrition at different levels and in humanitarian and development contexts. Practioners are supported with specific methodological resources on the overall process of implementation (programming, identification, formulation, financing, implementation and monitoring, evaluation).
4. UNICEF (2016). Nutrition - WASH Tool kit. Guide for Practical Joint Actions. Nutrition-Water, Sanitatioon and Hygiene (WASH). www.susana.org/en/knowledge-hub/resource...library/details/2925
The toolkit, originally designed for UNICEF country office staff, describes how to integrate WASH and nutrition at various stages of programing in development contexts. It is also very valid for other organisations’ country teams and can support national and local governments in their planning efforts.. For the integration it is suggested to connect the theory of change with different perspectives, particularly the “helicopter view” and the “road view”. The integration of WASH and nutrition in the humanitarian context is briefly described.
5. Danaei et al. (2016). Risk factors for childhood stunting in 137 developing countries: A comparative risk assessment analysis at global, regional and country level. www.susana.org/en/knowledge-hub/resource...library/details/2680
Based on country level data from global pooling projects of population health surveys and meta-analyses of epidemiological studies from 137 countries, the article quantifies the independent effects of stunting per region and risk factor. The researchers found “fetal growth restriction”, “unimproved sanitation” and “Diarrhea” to be the leading risks for stunting.
You can find further important documents and website links dealing with this topic here:
· Filter the library by SuSanA Working Group 12 (WG 12 is the working group on WASH and nutrition):
· Resources compiled by the WASHPlus project (5 year project, ending in 2015):
· Publications by SHARE project:
· Conference by UNICEF "Stop Stunting" in Delhi, India in November 2014 (note: this page takes a while to load): www.stopstunting.org/ ; see also policy brief which was prepared for this conference:
· Project Alive & Thrive:
The following Wikipedia articles exist on this topic:
· Stunded growth: www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stunted_growth
· Malnutrition: www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malnutrition
· Environmental enteropathy: www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_enteropathy
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- Nutrition and WASH (including stunted growth)
- The 5 key documents for the sub-category on nutrition and WASH