2nd Edition of the Compendium of Sanitations Systems and Technologies is now available!


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  • Elisabeth
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Re: Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies

Dear author team of the Compendium,

Congratulations for bringing out this second edition of the popular Eawag-Sandec Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies! It's great that you got the funding and resources to update the first edition from 2008. And the eCompendium will be very useful, too.

As I consider myself a "power user" of the compendium (mainly due to the work in the last year for GIZ Morocco where we used your technology factsheets as a starting point to develop Moroccan-focussed 4-page factsheets in French for those technologies that are suitable for rural Morocco (see here: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/81-ann...strategy-for-morocco), I was of course curious to see what is new in the new version.

You you wrote on Page 7:

What’s New in the Second Edition?
The revised, second edition has more content, and
1. Simplified user guidance
2. Revised technology descriptions with updated references
and improved illustrations based on reviews
by renowned sector experts and taking into account
key developments in the sector over the last six years
3. A more elaborate presentation of input and output
products that clarifies the compatibility between
technologies and streamlines system configuration
4. Five new technology information sheets and a section
on emerging technologies
5. An additional sanitation system, “System 5: Biogas

I really like that the UDDT is now shown with straight vault doors, no longer with inclined vault doors.

Old schematic of the UDDT:

New schematic of the UDDT:

I haven't checked all of them but I think you updated the schematics of several technologies.

I also like that you updated the URL links to the references (some of the references that I was co-author for, i.e. the GIZ Technology Reviews, had outdated links. Now you are simply linking to www.susana.org/library which is great).

You mentioned five new technologies - I spotted these three so far:
  • Pre-treatment technology
  • Tertiary filtration & disinfection
  • Biogas combustion
Which are the other two new technologies?

And are there any that almost made it into the list, e.g. how about short rotation plantations (SRP)? (I see you mentioned it in one sentence as part of the factsheet on irrigation). Those new pages on "emerging sanitation technologies" was a good idea.

Again, congratulations on this important work, and good luck with adding the French and Spanish (and any other languages) versions as well in the coming months.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects
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Re: Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies

Thanks for posting this!

The link just went active on Friday, so you have very keen eyes!

The new version is available for download at


The French, Spanish and Nepali versions of the 1st edition will still be available, but we do not have updated translations yet, unfortunately.

The hard copy should be leaving the printers shortly, and a few copies will be available in Stockholm at World Water Week.

Please come and visit us at the Swiss Water Partnership booth- we will other publications, a Faecal Sludge card game, and various other Sandec goodies!

Elizabeth Tilley
Senior Lecturer
University of Malawi- The Polytechnic

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Re: Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies

The second edition of the famous publication: "Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies," is out (attached). According to the Eawag website:

"This second, revised edition of the Compendium presents a huge range of information on sanitation systems and technologies in one volume. By ordering and structuring tried and tested technologies into once concise document, the reader is provided with a useful planning tool for making more informed decisions.
Part 1 describes different system configurations for a variety of contexts.

Part 2 consists of 57 different technology information sheets, which describe the main advantages, disadvantages, applications and the appropriateness of the technologies required to build a comprehensive sanitation system. Each technology information sheet is complemented by a descriptive illustration."


F H Mughal
F H Mughal (Mr.)
Karachi, Pakistan

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Re: 2nd Edition of the Compendium of Sanitations Systems and Technologies is now available!

Dear Paul

Thanks for the update: trust I have been waiting for this day…

For all who do not know it yet: we are currently implementing an online version of this second editions of the Compendium integrating it with the content and features from the SSWM Toolbox .

The main added value of an online version is the possibility of using interactive links to highlight cross-references and guide users from one chapter to another. Moreover we are also working on a filter functions for instance to quickly identify the technologies that fit you if you are interested in a specific sanitation chain product.

The e-Compendium will (hopefully ;-) ) be ready for our meeting in Stockholm.

Stay tuned and have a happy day,

WG1 Co-lead
Developing methods and tools to support strategic planning for sustainable sanitation. Particular interested in novel technologies contributing to more inclusive and circular sanitation. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Re: 2nd Edition of the Compendium of Sanitations Systems and Technologies is now available!

The second, revised edition of the Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies is now available for download at the Sandec website! This popular, well-known reference manual for sanitation practitioners has been updated and includes new information. To download it, please go to: goo.gl/z8C2G8.
Paul Donahue
Editor/Communication Specialist
Überlandstrasse 133
8600 Dübendorf
Telefon +41 58 765 5059
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Re: 2nd revised version of the Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies - your feedback appreciated!

Dear Elisabeth

Thanks for your inquiry. The 2nd edition of the English Compendium is well under way. At Eawag-Sandec we are currently finalizing and editing its updated contents.
A pre-print version will be presented at the IWA Development Congress in Nairobi, Kenya (14-17 October 2013), and the final 2nd edition will be released by the end of the year.

Major innovations include:
- Simplified user guidance
- More sophisticated input/output product terminology which clarifies the compatibility between technologies and streamlines system configuration
- Updated and revised technology descriptions, based on reviews by renowned sector experts and taking into account key developments of the last 5 years
- Additional sanitation technologies
- Improved illustrations
- A new sanitation system (biogas sanitation, already included in the Spanish version)
- … and a few surprises!

In parallel the eCompendium, an interactive online Compendium is also under development in collaboration with seecon (creators of the SSWM toolbox). Among others, it will feature a filter function which allows to display sanitation technologies with selected input and/or output products.
The eCompendium will be affiliated with the SSWM toolbox and linked with its contents. A Beta version will be launched by the end of this year.

Lukas Ulrich
Sanitation and Wastewater Management Consultant
Project Manager - Small-Scale Sanitation Scaling-Up (4S) – www.sandec.ch/4S

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  • Elisabeth
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Re: 2nd revised version of the Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies - your feedback appreciated!

Dear Lukas,

I am referring to your posting from a year ago (above): could you please give us an update about this reviewing process of the Sandec Compendium? How far are you? When will the new version be available? What are major changes? Will there also be an update to the online version? I use the online version that is available in Akvopedia quite often (akvopedia.org/wiki/Portal:Sanitation), because one can copy better from there than from the pdf file of the Compendium (I use it for factsheets in French that GIZ is developing for rural sanitation in Morocco).

Would be great to get an update from you about this important work. Thanks!

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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Re: 2nd revised version of the Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies - your feedback appreciated!

Dear all

Eawag-Sandec is currently working on a revised version of the popular “Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies“, first published in 2008 during the International Year of Sanitation. Since then, sanitation issues have moved up on the international agenda and the need for concise and up-to-date reference material on appropriate sanitation solutions has grown.

We therefore would like to open the discussion about improvements for the 2nd edition of the Compendium. Specifically, we highly welcome your comments about the following issues:
1. Corrections or amendments to the technical data, technology text
2. News, updated references and/or web addresses which are no longer valid
3. New technologies you think should be added (keeping in mind the current system of classification)
4. New system templates and/or revisions to current templates (e.g. adding new technologies, modifying flowstreams, etc.)

We also appreciate any comments regarding the need for additional information than what is currently found in the compendium. For example, would it be useful to add information on costs (e.g. a simple scale 1-10), health barriers (in the style of the work done in “Microbial Exposure and Health Assessments in Sanitation Technologies and Systems” by Stenström et al.) and sanitation functions (the functional sanitation ladder approach)?

Also, we are planning to work on an electronic web-based version of the Compendium which will allow much more depth and additional multi-media content on the different systems & technologies.

Links to the 2 documents:
• Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies
• Microbial Exposure and Health Assessments in Sanitation Technologies and Systems

Please send your comments directly to Roman Grüter (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), or post them in the forum.
Many thanks in advance!

The Sandec editing team
Lukas Ulrich
Sanitation and Wastewater Management Consultant
Project Manager - Small-Scale Sanitation Scaling-Up (4S) – www.sandec.ch/4S

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Re: Taller EAWAG in Lima - about the compendium

Founded by COSUDE (or in english SDC -Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation)

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  • Elisabeth
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Re: Taller EAWAG in Lima - about the compendium

Thanks for this info. How was this presentation/workshop funded?

For those who don't know this Compendium yet, see here:

It really is a great book. I heard yesterday that EAWAG and SEI are soon releasing a related book called Health Compendium. I am very curious about that one.
Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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  • christoph
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Taller EAWAG in Lima - about the compendium

The presentation of the compendium in Lima has been a good success. I heard from various participants that they appreciated very much the compendium, the methodology and the way of repassing things. Including of thinking to translate the compendium to Portuguese.

I heard also some critics about certain technologies which are not so well expressed in the compendium but all people valued very much the systematic approach to the subject.

Thanks to all who contributed to the translation, I do have the impression that this will be a good impact for Latin America.

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