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- The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps (SuSanA secretariat, Feb 2015, Thematic Discussion 1)
- Join Huffington. post blog discussion; We Need to Rethink How We Measure 'Improved Sanitation'
This area is for The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps discussion, part of the Thematic Discussion Series (TDS). More information on the organisation of this discussion can be found here: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/185-th...on-ladder-next-steps Previous threads relevant to the topic of the Sanitation Ladder have been moved to this category. All new threads for the thematic discussion will say "TDS" before the topic name.
Join Huffington. post blog discussion; We Need to Rethink How We Measure 'Improved Sanitation'

Re: Join Huffington. post blog discussion; We Need to Rethink How We Measure 'Improved Sanitation'

Dear Madeleine,
Thanks for the link. I have recently come across SEI's proposal for a 7 rungs sanitation ladder (on p 11 of the document in attachment). Based on this "revamped ladder", how would you call or qualify steps 1 to 4 and then steps 5 to 7 ?
In the post 2015 MDG and SDG targets is there a working group treating this subject ?
Thanks for the link. I have recently come across SEI's proposal for a 7 rungs sanitation ladder (on p 11 of the document in attachment). Based on this "revamped ladder", how would you call or qualify steps 1 to 4 and then steps 5 to 7 ?
In the post 2015 MDG and SDG targets is there a working group treating this subject ?
Cécile Laborderie
MAKATI Environnement
MAKATI Environnement
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You need to login to replyRe: Join Huffington. post blog discussion; We Need to Rethink How We Measure 'Improved Sanitation'
Thanks, those are the moments I like susana forum the most. I do not read the huffington post...so I would not be aware of that blog.

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You need to login to replyJoin Huffington. post blog discussion; We Need to Rethink How We Measure 'Improved Sanitation'
Dear all
Some days when you are on your way to work in public transport you come across really interesting articles and bloggs on twitter and /or facebook. This morning was one of those as a matter of fact I would not really expect to experience tthat a blog discussion on this topic would appear in a newspaper like Huffington Post during my lifetime. This is good discussion for all of us working with Sustainable Sanitation for long time. This media interest sustainable sanitation solutions receives we owe to Bill& Melinda Gates foundation. Thank you so much again!!
For you who are interested in participating in this forum please read through this initial teaser and thereafter follow the link to the blog
Building on the first debate to accelerate progress towards the MDGs, the Skoll World Forum partnered with Johnson & Johnson, the United Nations Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Huffington Post to produce another online debate--this time focused on critical issues that do not have enough of a spotlight in the discussions on how to achieve the MDGs or what should be in the next global development framework. As part of that discussion, we asked some of the world's leading experts what's not being discussed during UN Week this year about the post-2015 development framework, but should be? View the full debate here.
Almost 15 years ago, a private contractor wrote some orbital navigation software for a Mars orbiter using American measurements, instead of the metric system NASA uses. The $125 million craft missed its orbit and became another hunk of space junk, currently orbiting the sun. As the UN discusses sanitation aims post-MDG, I'm afraid we're making a similar error: we're measuring the wrong thing, and then coming up with unreliable numbers. We may miss our real target too--and it's not improved sanitation.
Some days when you are on your way to work in public transport you come across really interesting articles and bloggs on twitter and /or facebook. This morning was one of those as a matter of fact I would not really expect to experience tthat a blog discussion on this topic would appear in a newspaper like Huffington Post during my lifetime. This is good discussion for all of us working with Sustainable Sanitation for long time. This media interest sustainable sanitation solutions receives we owe to Bill& Melinda Gates foundation. Thank you so much again!!
For you who are interested in participating in this forum please read through this initial teaser and thereafter follow the link to the blog
Building on the first debate to accelerate progress towards the MDGs, the Skoll World Forum partnered with Johnson & Johnson, the United Nations Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Huffington Post to produce another online debate--this time focused on critical issues that do not have enough of a spotlight in the discussions on how to achieve the MDGs or what should be in the next global development framework. As part of that discussion, we asked some of the world's leading experts what's not being discussed during UN Week this year about the post-2015 development framework, but should be? View the full debate here.
Almost 15 years ago, a private contractor wrote some orbital navigation software for a Mars orbiter using American measurements, instead of the metric system NASA uses. The $125 million craft missed its orbit and became another hunk of space junk, currently orbiting the sun. As the UN discusses sanitation aims post-MDG, I'm afraid we're making a similar error: we're measuring the wrong thing, and then coming up with unreliable numbers. We may miss our real target too--and it's not improved sanitation.
Madeleine Fogde
Program Director SIANI
Senior Project Manager at SEI
Tel +46 (0)8 6747652
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Program Director SIANI
Senior Project Manager at SEI
Tel +46 (0)8 6747652
Fax + 46 (0)8 6747020
Cell + 46 737078576
SKYPE mfogde71811
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SE-10691 Stockholm
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- Join Huffington. post blog discussion; We Need to Rethink How We Measure 'Improved Sanitation'
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