Case studies for Settled Sewerage system


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Re: Case studies for Settled Sewerage system

Hi Elisabeth,

Thanks for the documents, it has really good insights on settled sewer system.

Sorry for the late response.

We have came across successful case studies for implementation of settled sewerage (small bore sewerage) in rural villages of Punjab, this was done through World bank. But in urban areas of India, we have still not heard of any such system being implemented. This project has been successfully implemented in 4-5 villages and they are planning to upscale it to 100 villages. More details are available in the following link.

Following is a link to the presentation regarding this project :

Link to pdf file (also the presentation is attached)

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Also, there is one case in Dhaka where this project was implemented in urban areas, but we have still not received any information. If we receive the informatiion, we will share it on this forum.

Thanks for the contact details of Mr. Duncan Mara.

Aasim Mansuri
Senior Program Lead
Center for Water and Sanitation
CEPT University, Ahmedabad-380009, Gujarat, India
M: +91 98 98 324874 | O: +91 79 26302470

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  • AquaVerde
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Re: Case studies for Settled Sewerage system

Dear Aasim you may contact Prof. Mara direct too

Von: "Duncan Mara" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
An: "'Detlef Schwager'" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Betreff: RE: "Simplified Sewerage Systems" = FLAT in Germany ? Open Source- Know How?

Detlef, the FLAT system is actually what we now call settled sewerage, which was developed in northern Zambia in the early 1960s. See

Best wishes,
Duncan Mara, AquaVerde Ltd. Zanzibar
"simple" Sanitation-Solutions by gravity
Low-Tech Solutions with High-Tech Effects
"Inspired by Circular Economy and Cooperation"

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Re: Case studies for Settled Sewerage system

Dear Aasim,

A year ago you asked on the forum about settled sewerage case studies. Have you continued along those lines and maybe installed your own system since then? Did you compile a collection of case studies maybe? If yes, could you share it please?

There is a new publication from Cape Town in South Africa on this topic, which could be of interest to you. I think it is clear and well written.

Taing, L., Armitage, N., Ashipala, N., Spiegel, A. (2013). Sanitation services in informal settlements - Sewering lessons from Western Cape. Water Information Network (WIN-SA), South Africa.

From the summary:

Alternative approaches to providing sewerage to informal settlements (which have been developed and applied worldwide) need to be investigated in order to determine whether there are other means of providing these areas with low-cost wastewater collection systems.

Building on previous South African research into alternative sewerage, a study by the Water research Commission (WRC) has analysed the outcome of the utilisation and management of these alternative sewerage systems in three Western Cape cases, as follows:

i. Simplified sewers and vacuum sewers in the two Cape Town informal settlements of Hangberg and Kosovo.

ii. Settled sewers in the formal areas of Hermanus.

The three case studies endeavour to illustrate a variety of socio-political and risk factors that cause sanitation facilities and projects to succeed or fail, especially in informal settlements.

Purpose of the Lesson:
This lesson aims to present the technological, institutional, social, and servicing lessons on the use of alternative sewerage systems in the Western Cape.
The case studies covered in this lesson endeavour to illustrate a variety of socio-political and behavioural risk factors that cause sanitation facilities and projects to succeed or fail, especially in informal settlements.

The lesson also shows that the ability of sewers to function as designed is closely related to how sanitation technologies are planned, managed and used. It attempts to show that failure of communal toilet facilities is very likely linked to users’ expectations that sanitation ‘services’ should be provided for shared facilities, which is contrary to officials’ explicit aims to provide only facilities that are managed by their users.

I love the way our South African colleagues are not shy to write openly about things that didn't go well (like this vacuum sewer system in Cape Town).
That's how we learn best.

Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Freelance consultant on environmental and climate projects

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Re: Case studies for Settled Sewerage system

Hi Aasim,

These systems have been in use in small towns in South Australia for several decades – they call them Septic Tank Effluent Drainage Systems (STEDS), for example see
You should be able to find case studies through searching on Google.

In the USA they are called ‘effluent sewers’ or septic tank effluent gravity/pumped systems (STEP or STEG). I have attached one case study here. There are commercial package systems such as Orenco.

Good luck with your searches.
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Kumi Abeysuriya
Dr. Kumi Abeysuriya
Independent Consultant

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Re: Case studies for Settled Sewerage system

Dear Aasim,

Plase see attached an older document about solid-free sewerage. It also includes some case studies.

Warm regards,

Moritz Gold
PhD student ETH Zurich & Eawag/Sandec

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Case studies for Settled Sewerage system

Hi All,

We have recently started looking at Settled sewerage as a possible sanitation option for conveyance of waste water other than the conventional sewer system.

The other name for this system are shallow bore sewer or small bore sewer.

It would be great if you could share some case studies where this kind of settled sewer system is applied.

Thanks in advance

Waiting in anticipation,

Aasim Mansuri
Senior Program Lead
Center for Water and Sanitation
CEPT University, Ahmedabad-380009, Gujarat, India
M: +91 98 98 324874 | O: +91 79 26302470

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