Webinar 4 on Innovation in toilet designs and waste treatment technologies, Part 2 - SuSanA-SEI webinar with BMGF grantees in 2013


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Re: FW: forum announcement for webinar 4

Hello all,

Here is the recording of the 4th webinar organised by Stockholm Environment Institute on Nov 26, 2013 to discuss three of the BMGF sanitation grantees as described above.
We were thrilled to have so many other grantees in the audience, you can see them with their webcams in the link below.

Content of the video:

Tuesday 26 November 2013, 16:30 - 17:30

Topic: “Innovation in toilet designs and waste treatment technologies – Part 2”

This was the fourth webinar in a series this year with the aim to give increased exposure to the BMGF research grants, which are also discussed on the SuSanA Discussion Forum (see above for more information about these webinars and to see past recordings).


Nano Membrane Toilet (Cranfield University), Alison Parker
A write-up about the presentation is available here on the forum:
Her presentation starts exactly here in the video:

The powerpoint slides that she used:
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New concepts for on-site sanitation based on bio-additives and pit design (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Jeroen Ensink
Previous discussion about it on the forum, including now the write-up from the presentation:
His presentation starts exactly here in the video:

The powerpoint slides that he used:
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Sol-Char Toilet: Using Concentrated Solar Energy to Stabilize Fecal Waste and Produce a Valuable Soil Amendment (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA), Richard (Chip) Fisher and Ryan Mahoney
Previous discussion about this project on the forum, including now the write-up from the presentation:
Their presentation starts exactly here in the video:

The powerpoint slides that they used:
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Thanks once again to the presenters and to the active audience who asked so many good questions!

In the video you will also recognise the following other grantees and BMGF staff who took part by using their webcams:
Laura Talsma (Climate Foundation, USA), Daniel Yeh with 4 students (Uni South Florida, USA), Chuck Henry (Fundación In Terris, Ecuador), Marc Deshusses (Duke Uni., USA), Luiza Campos (University College London, UK), Dipika Ailani and Roshan Shrestha (BMGF, WSH Team).

Arno & Elisabeth


Note: Information about further webinars (from number 5 onwards) is available in this thread: forum.susana.org/forum/categories/139-ge...-on-25-feb-2014#6746
Arno Rosemarin PhD
Stockholm Environment Institute

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Re: FW: forum announcement for webinar 4

You are most welcome to be an active audience participant in the 4th webinar that we are hosting next Tuesday 26 November at 16:30 (GMT+1) (for details scroll upwards).

Time converter to your local time: www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime...126T1630&p1=83&am=45

Book your spot in the audience now! First come, first served in terms of audio and video rights. You can also participate via chat.

No need for any software, simply go to this website: connect.sunet.se/arno/. To obtain the password to enter the meeting room, please contact me by clicking the CONTACT button to the left or e-mail Elisabeth von Muench, the organiser of this webinar: elisabeth.muench@ostella.de

Looking forward to meeting you there. This is a great opportunity for both new or experienced researchers to find out about cutting-edge research in this field. The meeting will be recorded and uploaded to You Tube.

Arno Rosemarin/SEI
Elisabeth von Muench/Ostella
Arno Rosemarin PhD
Stockholm Environment Institute

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  • arno
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Webinar 4 on Innovation in toilet designs and waste treatment technologies, Part 2 - SuSanA-SEI webinar with BMGF grantees in 2013

Dear all,

We are happy to announce that the 4th Webinar with Gates Foundation sanitation grantees and SuSanA members will take place on:

Tuesday 26 November 2013, 16:30 - 17:15 (CET – Sweden time)

Topic: “Innovation in toilet designs and waste treatment technologies – Part 2”

This is the fourth webinar in a series this year with the aim to give increased exposure to the BMGF research grants, which are also discussed on the SuSanA Discussion Forum (see above for more information about these webinars and to see past recordings).


(16:00 – 16:30 Participants can start entering the room, last sound checks)

16:30 Recording starts
• Introduction by moderator, short introduction of participants (1 min.)
• Three presentations and questions (45 min. in total); each presentation is about 5 minutes long and is followed by around 10 minutes of questions (content of presentations: project objectives and timing, methods used, results and lessons learnt so far, way forward and open questions)

Nano Membrane Toilet (Cranfield University), Alison Parker
Previous discussion about it on the forum:

New concepts for on-site sanitation based on bio-additives and pit design (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Jeroen Ensink
Previous discussion about it on the forum:

Sol-Char Toilet: Using Concentrated Solar Energy to Stabilize Fecal Waste and Produce a Valuable Soil Amendment (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA), Richard (Chip) Fisher and Ryan Mahoney
Previous discussion about it on the forum:

• Concluding remarks (1 min.)

17:15 End of webinar

Attendance at this webinar is open to any SuSanA member or interested people (your attendance will be with or without microphone rights and video, depending on the number of people as well as your bandwidth).

Once recorded, the webinar will be put online on the SuSanA Youtube channel (www.youtube.com/user/susanavideos) after some basic editing - see also links to previous recordings above.

During the webinar, people in the audience can also use the chat function of Adobe Connect to ask questions.

There is no need to download any software to attend (simply go to this website: connect.sunet.se/arno/). However, you must obtain the password to enter the room. To obtain the password, please e-mail myself or e-mail Elisabeth von Muench, the organiser of this webinar: elisabeth.muench@ostella.de

Some possible questions that may be discussed:
  • In terms of designing practical and implementable sanitation systems can you see your system being used on a day to day basis in the future? (in which setting or context and by whom)
  • How do you see the operation and maintenance scheme?
  • What social and institutional aspects are relevant to examine before scaling up?
  • What are the hygiene aspects, e.g. regarding containment and treatment?
  • What is done with the products (e.g. sludge), reuse or disposal?
  • In terms of the different business models (inclusive technology option, distribution scheme, operation and maintenance scheme), how do you estimate potential for up-scaling in the future and in which settings?
  • What can you tell us about the capital costs and the operation and maintenance costs of the tested technologies/schemes?
Arno & Elisabeth

Arno Rosemarin (SEI) and Elisabeth von Muench (Ostella)
Arno Rosemarin PhD
Stockholm Environment Institute

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